Naked Man Arrested for Climbing Statue

Naked Man Arrested for Climbing Statue

This featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education.

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36 thoughts on “Naked Man Arrested for Climbing Statue

  1. Well, at least they know he is never going to be violent with them. I mean he has good taste, we all want firefighters to rescue us. Hector has some good guys looking out for him, they know his background, they are willing to do what they can according to the law. Now, Officer Carebear is never going to live that name down!!

  2. Say what you will but I’m jealous of that dudes self esteem. I’m a lifelong athlete, watch what I eat, and comfortable in the buff around others , and still I couldn’t do this bc the whole time I’d be thinking “I look so gross. But this dude looks like a melted gummy bear and he’s totally comfortable wiggling himself on top a 10’ statue

  3. This is why police training takes so long. One year of basic/advanced Police procedures and 1+ years of psychology/psychiatry. It seems a requirement now, much more than the simple cops/robbers played by kids 30+ years ago. /smh

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