This featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education.
Naked Man Arrested for Climbing Statue

This featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education.
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Well, at least they know he is never going to be violent with them. I mean he has good taste, we all want firefighters to rescue us. Hector has some good guys looking out for him, they know his background, they are willing to do what they can according to the law. Now, Officer Carebear is never going to live that name down!!
He was just trying to roll out Optimus prime gave the word and the being naked he thought he was bugged by the decepticons
us turns mentally ill out on the street to be arrested repeatedly and live under brides. what a system
So…this clown climbed up there cause his shelter sux? Did I get that correct? What an idiot.
Who knew a cop video could make you smile! Very impressed with the cops in this situation. The Female cop was above and beyond. Well done.
Say what you will but I’m jealous of that dudes self esteem. I’m a lifelong athlete, watch what I eat, and comfortable in the buff around others , and still I couldn’t do this bc the whole time I’d be thinking “I look so gross. But this dude looks like a melted gummy bear and he’s totally comfortable wiggling himself on top a 10’ statue
I like this guy. He said my problems are her and she
Damn men we stay winning! We can no go into women prison and do what we wasn’t and as we like !!
God bless the lgbtq p
I like this guy. He said my problems are her and she
Damn men we stay winning! We can no go into women prison and do what we wasn’t and as we like !!
God bless the lgbtq p
Poor dude was on his way to a Trump rally.
Guy wasn’t funny
This guy clearly needs new meds. I hope he gets the help he needs
just come down and shut up your naked man why did this need to be a confessional this guy is talking non sense
He's got mental issues. Sounds like a methhead… missing teeth.
I feel sorry for him
He’s a 5150 bring back asylums SMH
Somehow there's a law on the books that covers climbing statues of fictional robot characters from a kids tv show in the 80's.
Where's the fucking crime?
OMG.. lol
👎for blurring
How do these people survive adulting?
I don’t think that’s what Prime meant when he said “ Autobots unite “ 😂😂😂😂 dude is naked af 😂
That fat thing climbed up?
Bumblebee and the naked man
Autobots unite!
These cops are embarrassing. You allows citizens like this to walk all over you and you expect to get respect. 😂
A transgender climbed a transformer? I've seen it all… Thank you YouTube
Dude must have legs made of glass if he can't jump from there.
Another mouth breather…
wait, so i can't climb it. I used to climb trees.
The female officer has a relaxed demeanor and sociable personality that works well with the public and that’s nice to see. She also happens to be a super babe.
im sorry, what? lol!
This is why police training takes so long. One year of basic/advanced Police procedures and 1+ years of psychology/psychiatry. It seems a requirement now, much more than the simple cops/robbers played by kids 30+ years ago. /smh
those male cops are never gonna chat with suspects after that joke 😂😂😂
Anyone else think this was fake? 😂
Thanks libertarians.
Why did he get arrested?