Entitled Mayor Disrupts Police Traffic Stop

Entitled Mayor Disrupts Police Traffic Stop

@Copwatchtv obtained body camera footage from a Surfside Police Department of a traffic stop involving the towns mayor.

Mayor Charles Burkett saw a friend being pulled over by the police and decided to stop to see what was going on. He inserted himself into the situation and was not happy with the demeanor of the officer.

This featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education.

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26 thoughts on “Entitled Mayor Disrupts Police Traffic Stop

  1. This Mayor seems to think this town is his, and not the peoples. A serious attitude adjustment and/or firing needs to happen. Mr. Mayor, you are a child! "The mean man looked at me, mommy!" Leave the police officers alone, they don't belong to you.

  2. Attitude, the mayor is the one with the holier than though attitude. He should've got a ticket from parking in the street. Bottom line the so called mayor was way out of line. Good thing the officer was done because he could've sited the mayor for obstruction of an officers' duty. Surfside needs to rethink this guys' position of mayor.

  3. Yes, I know who you are. You're a person, like me.
    When corruption is rampant, you'll hear many claims of higher status, everywhere.
    Used as excuses.

    I have news for you all.

    There's no such thing as high status. Everything is the same for everyone.

    Anyone who'd suggest otherwise to you is just about to trick you.

  4. The traffic stop was officially over at the time and the mayor had every legal right to check on one of his citizens of the city to make sure that his Police Department was doing everything OK.

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