DUI Checkpoint Refusal, Out of control cops! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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#1stamendmentaudits #copwatch #DUICHECKPOINT #lapd #losangeles #johnny50

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27 thoughts on “DUI Checkpoint Refusal, Out of control cops!”
  1. How can a jury be told that a refusal is a consciousness of guilt, if you have the right to remain silent and you are innocent until proven guilty? So by him refusing a field sobriety and refusing to answer questions makes him guilty, when you have the right to remain silent and you are innocent until proven guilty? Am I hearing this right that because he refuses,that that makes him guilty? What is going on with the supreme Court? Qualified immunity must go for government!!!! I mean seriously, if that is not an oxymoron that a person is protected by the Constitution and they are innocent until proven guilty but a jury can find a person guilty because the person refuses to answer questions and to perform a field sobriety! Worse yet, they are going to force him to go to the hospital to get a blood draw to check his blood for drugs or alcohol and then what? If he has no signs of drugs or alcohol in his blood, does the jury still find him guilty because he refused to take their test! Doesn't sound like a free country to me.

  2. How can these checkpoints be legal if you are innocent until proven guilty and have a right to remain silent?
    How was cuffing him demonstrating his sobriety?

  3. I've been stopped on more than once for the simple fact I have out of state plates in Hell-A. Given a ticket for not having a Calipornia Licksens. Didn't mater if my license was valid in the state that I reside in or not. Mandatory show in court or have said license revoked, fined, and possible jail time. Stated that if I've been in Calipornia for more than 10 day I must have a valid license. etc. Went to their court and pled not guilty. Had to Pay a bond of $800 and appear at a later date or not pay and stay in jail until paid or til next court date. Paid bail, and returned a month later to for court. It was dismissed only after being able to show current license, proof of insurance and my Union card to show I'm only working there to keep their lights on. Judge stated, get used to it

  4. Johnnie is finally just another Antifa member. Nothing except check the box identity politics. "Let's face it, if this guy were black, the cops would have mag-dumped him already." Blue hates everyone that isn't them or other government. You have become Mr. Newsome himself.

  5. I love how futile it is, EVER, to GET a supervisor to resolve a dispute, in the moment, before moving on to whatever the next step.

    Next step depends on the resolution of the disagreement of course.

    So the cop will say something retarded like.
    I get to do anything I wanna you have to show me I d
    And we say no that's not right I wanna supervisor to resolve this

    And they go I'll call one just as soon as you gimme my ID fix.

  6. If he isn't a California resident and has never applied for a California license there's no implied consent. And one of the tyrants actually trots out the I smell marijuana trick.

    TRAVELING is a Right
    Use the correct definitions of the words use in the LANGUAGE OF LEGALESE " at law, " by law" and " under law"You are being assulted under color of law by CODE AND Statues jurisdiction that is NOWHERE in the Constitution

  8. I've never seen a female douche bag before! She didn't even know what a question was! Definitely a shining star in the police ranks, now isn't she? Oh, by the way, that was a question! Lol

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