How to Ruin Your Military Career Before it Starts

How to Ruin Your Military Career Before it Starts

@Copwatchtv obtained footage from Santa Fe Police Department of an incident at a high school football game.

18-year-old Lorenzo Garcia had a problem with a person at a game and started a beef after the game. Police responded and started to investigate the incident.

The featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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22 thoughts on “How to Ruin Your Military Career Before it Starts

  1. “I’m on the military”

    Lol no you ain’t homie. I applied to a sheriff’s office but never went to the academy. It doesn’t make me a deputy.

  2. NEVER TALK TO COPS !!! They lie, cheat, steal and ANYTHING else to put you in a cage.
    They don't care about you, your life, your future, your family. Or JUSTICE.
    They want to hurt you as much, as deep as possible.

  3. Hope he makes better choices after this , he got lucky.
    He could get a diversion program had it been necessary..
    Chose adult actions
    Pay adult prices…
    Hope he didn't hurt his life over silly ideas leading to someone possibly getting hurt

  4. When I think of all the stupid things I did when I was in high school back in the 80s and early nineties, I become very grateful they didn’t have body cameras back then!

  5. The cop with the carbine looks like a tool. He’s at a HS football game where no shooting happened standing around like he’s guarding a FOB in Afghanistan. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣🤣

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