Imagination & Creativity is the American Class – No Harmony in or Between – Everything Law and Order Blog

Imagination & Creativity is the American Class – No Harmony in or Between

I do not have a governor. I once was a responsible “controller” of “a state” having “safety regulations” for a “performance” to maintain and “provide” for the safe general operations for the “general welfare” – “defense” requiring “maintaining” “excises” and “coined subjected to taxes” and granted no special “waiver” from the scope of alternative liability for which any “injury” or “damage” or “economic expense” having “matured”, “incurred” or “accrued” as a majority @seekndistroyjuggalonews By the nature of things in safe operation- I was the “surgical mechanical controller” who could be “found the subject” within “jurisdictional territory” as “an American” “middle-class” is one of the several “citizens on a ship” in transport on the surface transportation roadways full of “potential” targets known for benefiting the needs of the greater few at the expense of the many “minorities” who were also participants by other “trades” found within “the state” cycle of operation for an economically controlled environment- having a procedural due process for functioning in “interstate” or “intrastate” “commerce” as a trades specialist for the “installed state-appointed” “governor ” which returned a livelihood.

The governor had a habit of “kicking in” and “cutting out regularly”, except the cut-off was properly regulated and adjusted for “deflation” for “control” while proceeding to “descend” and “downgrade” during “performance”.

The “specific, separate, distinct governor” took proper care “ensuring” “inflation” was maintained properly, not having a “conflict of interest” for “equal distribution” throughout the “hoes” directly connected to the semi-trucks “entangled web of lines” having “various connections” and different “states of affairs”.

Therefore, all the hoes were loyal as long as they benefited from the operator within the “semi truck’s state” of “well-being” – as “the Secretary” “acting” with a “standard of care” and using an “abundance of caution”, because I, the operator was responsible for the cycle of operations. If someone was hurt as a result of the negligence from the operation, I did not enjoy the “immunities” or “privileges” for the “injury or damage” having arisen from the “discharge” of my “duty”.

By the standards of my professional “training” for “strict practice” of “ordinary prudence” which requires “routine inspection stops”, making sure everything was properly fastened, “connected”, and “insuring” (as insurance) there were no abrasions, and bubbles, cuts, and there were no “leaks” (whistleblowers) as a “general practice” for good faith for a good cause shown, normal maintenance and “practice” have a value for safety being evenly distributed to every surrounding my state of affairs.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

One thought on “Imagination & Creativity is the American Class – No Harmony in or Between”
  1. Seems to me that we live in a World of Self absorbed people….. No thought or concern of anyone but only themselves…..Terrible….😔

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