How I knew It was Time to Leave Law Enforcement – Everything Law and Order Blog

#cops #police

The myth is that it only counts if you do 25 or more years. That’s nonsense. There is life after policing and I found it. I want to help others do the same. The Ten7 Project is real estate specific so if it’s something you’ve ever thought about exploring, now’s the time.

10-7 Project:

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

8 thoughts on “How I knew It was Time to Leave Law Enforcement”
  1. Did 7 years and just recently got out. Now working with special needs kids going to school to be a teacher. Never in a million years did I think I wouldn’t be a cop and the transition was definitely tough. You just have to take that same drive you had with that career and find what you can channel it into. To anyone that needs help or just need to talk about the struggles feel free to reach out!

  2. Going back after being out for two years. Just need the money. Torn between excitement at going back to a job I loved and a pit in my stomach at department politics, supervisors promoted to incompetence, and nights away from family.


  3. Love yourself everyday, even at your lowest point. So many doors open for you when you love yourself. Much love to everyone here. ❤️

  4. I’ve been on the force for going on 6yrs now and for the last year it’s getting more and more difficult to deal with the struggles that go along with the job. I feel stuck bc it’s good money, benefits, pension, etc but the job hurts sometimes

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