Labor Camps for Jews | Exploitation of Jews | Special

Labor Camps for Jews | Exploitation of Jews | Special

How could so many Jews die in Auschwitz? The concentration camps: A crime, made possible by war.

Definition by labor was a German idea and the reason for the concentration and labor camps for Jews. More than a quarter of all workers were forced laborers and Jews. More than 5.7 million Soviet prisoners of war were under German control and 3.5 million died. Most of the Jews died in the concentration camps in the occupied territories.

Besides the Jews, Roma and Sinti were also victims, excluded from society, checked for German citizenship and deprived of many of their rights. They had to work in the concentration camps until there was no strength left. Sinti and Roma were sent to a “Chipsi camp.” Unlike other victim groups, the Sinti and Roma were not separated from their families.

Watch the full documentary to experience the conditions at the end of the second world war.

#jews #nazim #documentary

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Interesting links and sources:

00:00 The Roma genocide
13:41 Auschwitz-Birkenau | Former German Nazi Extermination Camp
38:12 The End of the Holocaust?

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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11 thoughts on “Labor Camps for Jews | Exploitation of Jews | Special

  1. I don't understand why the title is "annihilation of the jews* when the video is about the slavic people were enslaved and massacred, not just the jews. I understand the jews suffered a lot but so did the slavic people, the title should be different, something that says how slavic citizens and soldiers were enslaved and annihilated there was probably over 35 millions slavs thay died, over 20 million in the soviet union.

  2. It's horrible what happened to the Jews. But I do hate how modern day Jews have turned it into all about them. Let's not forget how so many people of all ethnic backgrounds suffered during world war two. It wasn't just Jewish people who were persecuted. And let's also remember all the brave men and women who fought and gave their lives to stop it

  3. Unfortunately today in the name of jews people America and British people their doing same thing in middle east (palatine)

    They created American military base in the name of Jew state (Israel) they change their name from CIA to mosad to kill Arabs in the name of Jews and some Jews know this especially religion leaders.

    As we all know in all history of mankind there is no empire lives for ever for example there was Roman empire, othoman empire so and on but today no one of that empires are in power and as every empire American and British empire also will end So Can you imagine what America and British empires are leaving to the Jews people by killing Arabs and Muslims in the name of Jews.

    Jews people should wake up and speak out that what is happening in their name is not represent them as some of their religion leaders do.

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