Hitler’s end in Stalingrad | The Abyss Ep. 9 | Full Documentary

Hitler’s end in Stalingrad | The Abyss Ep. 9 | Full Documentary

German Wehrmacht and Hitler is losing the war at the eastern front at Stalingrad.

At the end of January in 1943, the German army is encircled by soviet forces at Stalingrad. In Stalingrad, disgusting conditions prevale: Freezing snow, no food and rats. It’s a hand-to-hand fighting at the end in Stalingrad. Hitler is in despair after the symbolic success in the crushing of Stalingrad. In Stalingrad, millions of men were killed.

The defeat of the Wehrmacht at Stalingrad is a major shock for Germany. But the regime’s reaction wasn’t adapted to the disaster of Stalingrad: no concession, no negotiation, no peace. For Hitler, surrender is betrayal.

But what was the main reason for Hitler’s defeat at Stalingrad? Watch the full documentary.

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Interesting links and sources:

00:00 WW II: Total war
11:31 Hitler loses at Stalingrad
40:28 Western Allies crush Germany

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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5 thoughts on “Hitler’s end in Stalingrad | The Abyss Ep. 9 | Full Documentary

  1. Please make video on pacific theater of world war 2 from Japanese attack on Pearl harbour to the atomic bomb 💣 fell on Japan on August 9th 1945 and right to the end of the Japanese surrender

  2. I have nothing to say about your documentary THE ABYSS every episode of the abyss is so exciting and fascinating that ii is difficult to comapre each of them with one another u have done extremely a passionate work
    Keep it up
    Every fiday i waited impatiently for ur videos to on air

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