Heydrich: Holocaust, the “Final Solution” | Beyond the Myth | Ep. 3 | Documentary

Heydrich: Holocaust, the “Final Solution” | Beyond the Myth | Ep. 3 | Documentary

Reinhard Heydrich was one of Nazi Germany’s most notorious figures.

Through extensive research and interviews with historians, experts, and survivors, the film uncovers Heydrich’s chilling legacy. It traces his early life, radicalization within the Nazi Party, and ascent to becoming one of Heinrich Himmler’s trusted deputies in the Schutzstaffel.

The documentary sheds light on Heydrich’s central role in designing and executing the Holocaust, known as the “Final Solution,” resulting in the persecution and extermination of millions, including Jews and Romani people. It draws from archival material, documents, and testimonies to reveal his influential positions as head of the Reich Security Main Office and Deputy Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, where he ruled with an iron fist.

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Interesting links and sources:

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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15 thoughts on “Heydrich: Holocaust, the “Final Solution” | Beyond the Myth | Ep. 3 | Documentary

  1. Reinhard was the father of Interpol…
    god bless his legacy..
    Canada coined the term final solution as the treatment of its first nations folks in residential schools that were stolen and murdered

  2. Jan Kubiš, a Czech, and Jozef Gabčík, a Slovak. Kubiš and Gabčík were both soldiers in the Czechoslovak Army-in-exile, based in Britain.

  3. Reinhard Heydrich: A high-rank SS police official and a principal architect of the Holocaust. He was also Himmler’s chief lieutenant until he was assassinated by Czech agents in 1942.

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