We are in Lake Isabella, California right now where Christina Murphy, A nurse, and mother of two, went missing 50 days ago on July 22.

Today we located her Toyota 4-Runner.

Jared located and dove on her vehicle this morning in the Kern River. He was able to use the river eddys to get to the back of her vehicle to verify all of the windows are blown out but unable to get to the front seat to verify if she is inside.

His entire dive was under 10 minutes.

The rigging would only take a few minutes.

As you all know, we treat this a crime scene the moment we identify it’s the vehicle we’re looking for.

Law enforcement and community officers were on scene for four hours before vacating and not telling any friends, family, or AWP why they were all leaving.

There is rumor that the dive team they brought in is claiming it is unsafe without even taking time to review the footage that Jared had available for them.

Originally this morning, when Jared met with law-enforcement, they did not want him rigging the vehicle for liability reasons, but never spoke with him further from one dive team to another to assess the situation.

If this was your daughter, what would you do?

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44 thoughts on “NURSE FOUND: Cops Left Crime Scene (What Do We Do?)”
  1. Kinda wild i find myself watching a youtube video about my own sister. But i will say even though i havent talked to josh in a while im pretty sure he left the Sheriffs office a while ago and when he requested them to tow it out they told him that they couldnt because of the fires that had been going on. But i will say we have had little to no information regarding my sister. My mother and other siblings have been wondering what's going on. Thanks for the update.

  2. A diver went in the water on 9/13 and he said he is 100% sure she is not in the vehicle which is sad because there has to be foul play or something and only more than likely the reason her boyfriend who's a sheriff didn't do anything to help recover the vehicle. Sad thing is law enforcement do not get charged with anything and always get swept under the rug. The diver posted it on kern county activities on IG

  3. I know the river up in the canyon is more dangerous. There are several drownings every year. But I'm sure the Kern County Sheriff has some experienced divers. Or if they don't, then they should let AWP do it.

  4. It is a shame we cant scream on a live for fear of loss of our jobs, threats! Hey yo police do your jobs there is a body in the water. No cautiom tape. No officer to monitor the scene
    One of your people! They have every right to feel the way they doand say what they said.

  5. You’re inCA? This all makes sense. I live in cali and they simply do not care about their citizens. We are a pain in the ass to them.

  6. I was a current diver for decades and totally with you on this. Anyone that could not go in that tiny river claiming it is to fast has zero business being a diver!

  7. Jared and AWP team. Just letting you know I shared this on my fb. Idk if it'll help. But maybe. Take a breath hug your wife and children. You're all amazing beautiful people for what you do. 100% ❤

  8. I’m in kern county from the same town Christina lived in. I am so sorry you guys have gone through this. I watch your videos all the time ❤ you do such amazing work.

  9. This is rediculous… I know there are good police force, and I support them… but there are some like these that are just terrible… I had a car broken into at a business here (not the same as a lost loved one, I wholeheartedly know) but they did a report and said will get back to you… I called and asked if they had talked to the business for video, a lot of hee haw nonsense… so I got with the business, found the people got id because they'd entered it in a machine… gave it to the cops and only then did they prosecute… they did 0 legwork… sometimes the forces in a place gaf, some places we pay em to write down words and do nothing😑

  10. Thanking for doing your part and doing all that you do!!!and I am so sorry that they are not getting her out! That is disgusting on thier part!

  11. Hey Jared, this is Crystal and Jaren and the King family we just had a great thought after watching your video if possible, if she still in the river you should get hold of Heavy D Sparks. He has his own private record.

  12. Kern county is a joke. They could care less about people! I had a friend who worked for Kern County and quit cause of the way they run things! You are not the only one who feel that way!

  13. Make some noise…continuing to talk about it will be the best thing to do in my opinion, given the circumstances of corruption…. peace and love to all the family

  14. And that so called diver .
    He needs to turn in his tanks and quit. Because he is not a swift water rescue member. Shame on him and every officer that is involved.

  15. For starters .
    Thank you for all that you and your team do.
    And if that was my wife/daughter or whoever. My ass and everyone we know would go over there and get her out. This is truly a sad beginning

  16. Watching this video, knowing someone's remains is left in a car, police leave the scene, is irreprehinseble, unacceptable, and I'm appalled and find myself in tears. I pray several officers were reprimanded at the very least, but I vote for them to be fired by the governor. 😢

  17. Kern County Sheriff’s Office should be ashamed of their lack of service.
    They had the chance to work with AWP and recover the vehicle but chose not to.
    Shame on you!

  18. I dont know if rules are different in the US then here in the UK but for it to be a potential crime scene then they'd have to have the area cordoned off, a permanent guard and a crime scene log for people entering and leaving the area.

    We've never had an instance like this here in the UK. Police have always immediately recovered, allowed us to recover or bare minimum corden off the area as a crime scene if recovery could only be conducted the next day.

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