Sul Ross State University student Zuzu Verk’s body was discovered in a shallow grave in Texas in February 2017. Her boyfriend Robert Fabian and his friend Chris Estrada were arrested for tampering with or fabricating physical evidence by concealing a human corpse. Crime Watch Daily brought in expert interrogation specialist Stan “The Lie Guy” Walters, who helps train police officers around the country in the art of detecting deception, to examine Jason Mattera’s previous interview with Estrada.
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He’s got that stupid smile on his face that u just wana wipe off with a big slap being a smart a**
The guys are both freaky as hell
Update he got life in prison and his homeboy got 28 years for helping him dispose of her body. What I couldn't find was her cause of death. So if anybody knows that please let me know. My prayers are with her family though
“Beauty and the beast” ☹️😡😤
He needs to be answering those questions with wires attached 🤔
It's her own fault, for getting involved with those men. I got no sympathy, sorry not sorry
he always looks away when he answers questions
So they both get Charged but something tells me thus guy had more to do with the killing to not just hiding evidence.
Mr Estrada came into the interview with a set attitude, rather monotone tone of voice, as if to say "Here I am, the good guy, agreeing to do this interview, but don't expect a shred of new information, any surprise disclosures from me "
She was Gorgeous 😍
So disgusting.. they men think they are cute.. thank God for the Law men… an air BnP.. is waiting for them unlimited stay time .. what a waste of taxpayers money. Beautiful life lost forever. My deepest condolences to the family. I pray the HolySpirit of comfort rest in this home .
I detest this reporter. Please stop using him in your show! Insanely annoying.
Good looking women go with ugky men lmao
Ladies spend more time picking a head of lettuce than they do a boyfriend, much to their peril.
Damn ZuZu was gorgeous
Are they American citizens? I'm just asking 🤔
I don't understand why family, friends or lovers help cover up murders it seems crazy to me that they can have such lack of respect for life, for the loved ones of that person, not care about all they have taken from that person. People need to understand responsibility and not feel they have the right to take what they want from another living person. X
American women just go with anyman.
She was probably trying to break up with that ogre
Chris is such an idiot for doing this interview lols. What a moron.
I am no expert, and I can spot deception in his answers and facial expressions. The guy is a sociopath.
great interviewer. Chris Estrada narcissistic.
Robert looks creepy. Yuk. Why do these beautiful girls date these ugly guys.
The guy is obviously lying….u cab see his smirk and he knows damn well what happened to her. He's a trashbag
4:43 "are you covering for Robert at all?" facial expression, tightening of the lips, closing of the eyes, SUCH A LIAR!
It's worth life to curb stomp them
Lets face the fact…Zuzu is not a great first name !
He has zero feelings talking about this girl… something is off… God may her body and soul Rest In Peace ❤️💕🙏
A young life gone awful
that friend gives me the creeps , wouldnt trust him with anything. hes evil and arrogant
This guy is such a bad liar.
No eye contact, looks down and away and he is smirking. Lying SOB/POS.
So many young and attractive women I see in these kind of crimes on youtube.
Is it more dangerous looking good is my thought.
man this guy is weird as hell
He’s smiling the entire time?
A such of beautiful girl dating the most ugly illegal in the us
Stan Walters is a professional hack… There are no such thing as lie detectors. Not a polygraph and not this cone head claiming to be an "Interview & Interrogation Specialist"… Lmao give me a fucking break. That guy is so full of shit I can smell it through the computer
We need update videos from all this old cases from True Crime Daily, who thinks is a good idea hit it!, thank you for the ones that keep us updated.
The friend is a narcissist for wanting to do the interview knowing damn well what happened! Idiot
I love his mugshot I don't see a smile there I guarantee you there's someone's b** in jail I guarantee it his smug Candor attitude is it going to fly right with men in jail trust me he's someone's b**
His smile says it ALL he's extremely condescending sitting back thinking they're going to get away with it I don't think so little man I really don't know what you saw that guy Robert looking at her she could have done so much better I agree with her mother he wasn't or ever had been good enough for her daughter my condolences to the family I'm so sorry vengeance is mine saith the Lord I'll take care of them I wouldn't worry about that the day they go home to talk to God I wouldn't want to be in their shoes for all the money and tea in China
Jason Mattera should be in congress, this man has no filter. I love it.