‘Zombies’ and ‘Bodies’: Lori Vallow Daybell’s Ex-Best Friend Reveals Weird Details During Trial

‘Zombies’ and ‘Bodies’: Lori Vallow Daybell’s Ex-Best Friend Reveals Weird Details During Trial

The former best friend of ‘doomsday cult’ mom Lori Vallow Daybell testified in court Thursday about their friendship and the relationship between Lori and her husband, Chad Daybell. The Daybells are accused of killing Lori’s two children, Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow, along with Chad’s late wife, Tammy Daybell. Melanie Gibb detailed bizarre things about Lori, such as her beliefs about “light” and “dark” people, “casting prayers,” and identifying “zombies.”

#MelanieGibb #LoriVallowDaybell #LawAndCrime

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42 thoughts on “‘Zombies’ and ‘Bodies’: Lori Vallow Daybell’s Ex-Best Friend Reveals Weird Details During Trial

  1. According to Gibb people could also go from dark to light. So instead of trying her hardest to get her own children light Lori excepted dark and killed em. That’s it. Lori isn’t delusional. She plays delusional because the alternative is accepting what she did

  2. Their delusion was that the person's spirit had left the body and was now inhabited by an evil spirit. The intent of casting was to drive the evil spirit out of the body. If this would have occurred, the expectation was that the body would die or in many instances the excuse for a failed casting was that the individual was conveniently re-inhabited by another evil spirit. Chad claimed to be a Prophet, and part of the Priesthood. But we all know this was his grand delusion. In reality, their act of casting had absolutely no effect. But in order to "confirm" to his followers that his priesthood and role as a prophet was in fact legitimate, Charles, Tylie, JJ, and Tammy were murdered. The other motive was these 4 precious souls were standing in the way of Chad and Lori being free to be together and fulfilling their "mission". There was an attempt on Brandon's life by Alex. He was in the process of divorcing his wife yet had a substantial life insurance policy. However, their deluded rationale was that Brandon was Dark. Anyone who was a threat to them, opposed them, or stood in their way was labeled Dark. They even referred to Law Enforcement as Dark. Yet, their Darkness and wickedness was so great, their debased, darkened souls were too blind to see how wicked and depraved they had become. What part of "Thou shalt not kill" did they not understand?

  3. Melanie was up to her neck in all this . She also didn’t like Tylee 😢 she could of saved those children, she knew what happened to people who were dark , Shame on her .

  4. The Defence Attorney is so f**King sarcastic! I think it’s all he has to fall back on because he has no case!! I wish I could see him in action because his voice is grinding my ears!!

  5. Tylee came with a bat to protect herself and her mum. She got what she deserved although she was a child but a killer she helped with the scenario of the bat thing and helped ger minester uncle to be free and to kill her..reap what you saw

  6. Does anyone think it's strange that the advertisement ad on this videos, has a ad with the song we will rock you, which is the song jjs grandpa played for the supporters outside the court house bc he said it was Lil jj's favorite song? Was that strange?

  7. "A spirit named Ned". How could you sleep in the house with someone talking about dark spirits, & death & dying all around this person. 😐. This woman is as whacko as Lori. I'd be careful if I'm her family. Good grief

  8. She admits that the "fight" started because she took his phone and that he was only picking JJ up and didn't start anything until she took it. I can't believe LE overlooked all of this including the times he spoke with police about her. It's heartbreaking the trail of lies and destruction Lori and Chad caused so many in such a short period of time. How scary the people in this world have become. Thank the Lord for all the people that came forward about her and the kids because who knows how many more would come to parish becauseof them. I hope they can RIP now but continue watching over their families to give them strength and peace. One more trial to go and they can never do this again. 🙏❤️

  9. After listening to this for the second time I think it’s pretty obvious that Lori & Chad, Alex whoever were already planing this idea to get rid of Charles & JJ all at once in a “Car Accident”. That would have made less work & coverup for them all.

  10. She could have prevented this. she knew exactly what they did to dark people. Did she not think that they would do it to the children? She had a responsibility to do something about it but she didn't so she's part of it.

  11. Ok i enjoy hearing that the defense is so lost. He is asking so many irrelevant questions that lead nowhere. However, he better do something right cuz if found guilty, she can have a mistrial declared due to him being a useless lawyer.

  12. She previously said that lori told her the kids were dark. She obviously knows what they have been doing to people they deemed dark. So she had to have figured out what happened to the kids.

  13. the only funny thing about watching this trial on YouTube is that they regularly show me adverts asking if I have considered joining the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. I haven't before and after the cooks in this trial, I certainly won't in future!

  14. Melanie Gibb as a witness is clearly carefully remembering things so she has zero culpability…it’s funny how the only time she showed any emotion in her voice was when she described that a 16 year old murdered girl didn’t like her…”I’m nice to everyone”…somehow I think not

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