A woman throws a fit because officers won’t feed her and a Canadian woman claims she will “sue all of Las Vegas” after she gets back to the “land of the free”.
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People from B.C in Canada are mean like that lady at 4:09
That female cop needs to get taken down a peg
lol "Vancouver, land of the free" home of the snow and junkies….lol
Well, she is cute.
If I were in Vegas, I'd get arrested just to meet Deputy Sittre. I think she pretty hot.
Remember the elderly woman who recently died because the police thought she was "faking" a FKING STROKE?!?! Yeah, makes me think of that. Some ppl are full of it but let a DR decide that…
I have been to Vegas many times, and I always get drunk. Playing blackjack, I didn't know that they were taking my beer, and I got up from it. I was so drunk I went up to our room which was a suite, and I threw my winning at my hubby, and I spent the night hugging the porcelain god. He doesn't gamble, but I made 5000.00 off of 5 dollars good night with blackjack 😅😂😅😂❤
I'm Canadian!
It’s absolutely their responsibility to attend to an inmate’s health needs! That blonde officer was way out of line. Shame on her for not understanding that it’s the jail’s job to provide healthcare to the inmates!
Ive been a chronic alcholic for many years. I can tell you the one thing I fear if I was ever arrested.. is for DTs to kick in and none of the officers know how serious it is. I feel for this woman
Seems like if they are committing a crime they should lose their rights but i don’t know.
4:10 We do not know nor claim her as a Citizen. Thank you
Everyone knows their rights and have an attorney on speed dial, I’m lucky to have 10 dollars
It doesn't matter what she had done previously. Now, she is in custody of police and her safety is their issue. If they don't care for her despite her bad choice, they will have made a far worse one.
That’s actually really sick she’s diabetic and she could die if she doesn’t eat
The blonde donut muncher totally lost her cool with that interaction. She's usually pretty level-headed. Miss drunkie pants got to her. Definitely unwarranted overreacting on the blonde's part.
Iv never liked that officer shes very passive aggressive and likes to taunt and belittle inmates. Yes it is their responsibility to feed and care for the inmates even if they full of it or lying. She should have been taken to medical immediately. Then the sadist was itching to not get her what she needed.
I’ve always found it odd we can see inside the jails and prisons through television. Nicole started out nice but she seems to be jaded a little.
seizures are serious . i’ve know people that have died in jail from benzo and alcohol withdrawal
Yes, she’s right. Once she is in their custody, she’s your responsibility. You don’t like her attitude and decision making? mmmm you know what profession you’re in right?
This police women is performing for the cameras big time
Don’t these people have any dignity ? How do people behave like wild animals , aren’t they embarrassed to behave so badly .
Of course she's from Vancouver. Drug capital of Canada.
"I know my rights!" Riiiiiiiight
A woman like this is what you show a young daughter to show them why you don’t cut your own hair..
Some people have no business being around a badge and truely have no grasp on the magnitude of thier responsibilities, image, and behavior.
Dime store cop logic to derail request of food.
2:53 misses officer is alright with me
Nasty female officer. Should have had medical see her.
Does she get 3 meals? What if she dies with DT's? Medical evaluation needed.
Lol this is tripe, blood sugar of 8 is fine
She spoke of her blood sugar level being eleven points off. If true, and she has been drinking, she should be given food. Just sayin’, this is how easily offended officers manage to cost taxpayers a boatload full of money in law suits. They have a “duty of care” when someone is in their custody. If she did have a seizure, she also had a lawsuit that would include damages for failure to provide food and medical care. Lots of alcoholics are diabetic. That’s often how they get diabetes!
DOC staff shouldn't be so focused on their emotions especially over this. What do you care if the inmate chose something unhealthy (likely due to an addiction)? Some of the staff should have chosen more intensive PT and perhaps fewer pastries. Walk away deputy. Just walk away.
Vancouverite typical🙄🤦♀️🤦♂️
Why not just give her a sandwich? The jailers are sadists
As a Canadian, that woman is an extreme embarrassment. You can keep her.
You gotta love the dramatic drunks 😂
I don’t feel sorry for anyone that drinks, especially diabetics 🙄🙄