Wrestling Coach Murdered In His Home – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Wrestling Coach Murdered In His Home – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Garth Rector, a 48-year-old wrestling coach, was shot dead in his rental home in 2008. Family members are still wondering who did this to him. Crime Watch Daily investigates.

Check our Crime Watch Daily’s full article on Rector’s story here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2017/02/09/unsolved-beloved-high-school-wrestling-coach-killed-in-kitchen/

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38 thoughts on “Wrestling Coach Murdered In His Home – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. My brother had a thing for married women. He has been shot at more than once. I believe Garths killer is the landlords. Ex Fiancé . I don’t feel this was a botched robbery at all. It is good to know that his daughter got that letter from her dad with the newspaper clipping. I know she will cherish that memory forever. My brother had 2 children , with two different married women. I think he is over dating married women. It is very dangerous.

  2. I'm wondering if a woman is responsible for killing gareth rector could a wife who finds out that her husband has been cheating on her for sometime with another woman or women be the culprit but the land lady's ex fiance is a strong suspect particularly that he'd missed work the day of the murder he'd been in the victims house in the past so he knew his way around and he is an avid gun fanatic who also carried guns but even with all of that it is'nt real evidence to convict them…

  3. i think its the land lady, he was about to go on holiday with his ex which could of lead them being back together, shes letting him live in her house, whats the saying about a scorned women , its the land lady yall

  4. Poor Garth. I feel bad for him he was trying sooo hard to take responsibility for what he did. And he was trying to make it right with his ex wife.

    It may have been his landlord she probably knew he was going to make it right for his ex wife. So she probably shot him

    Seems strange that nothing was taken, and she found his body,

  5. In part 1 of this story it was obvious that he was murdered because the first shot was from a distance 30 feet away which means it was someone who new he was a wrestling coach and could not be able to restraint him

  6. "The adulteress steals your soul-she may even cost you your life!
    For how can a man light his pants on fire and not be burned? Can he walk over hot coals of fire and not blister his feet? What makes you think you can sleep with another man's wife and not get caught? Do you really think you'll get away with it? Don't you know it will ruin your life? You can almost excuse a thief if he steals to feed his own family…Don't be so stupid as to think you can get away with adultery. It will destroy your life and you'll pay the price for the rest of your days. You'll discover what humiliation, shame and disgrace are all about, for no one will ever let you forget what you've done. A husband's jealousy makes a man furious. He won't spare you when he comes to take revenge. Try all you want to talk your way out of it- offer him a bribe and see of you can manipulate him with your money. Nothing will turn him aside when he comes to you with vengeance in his eyes "
    Proverbs 6:26-35

  7. The fact that his ex wife thought they were “working it out” and he was “renting a home on his new gfs property” says it all. Not to mention he was deceiving the new gf too because behind her back he was making plans with his wife. Adultery is nothing to be amused by. It’s dangerous and the cause of many losses. Its sad he wouldn’t just be grateful for his family that God gave him who’s still fighting for him while he’s gone and after all the cheating, broken promises, false hope, years wasted, and finally gett him back in a casket, left with a job to find out who he was with when he divorced you!! Men should stop giving up on the relationship when it’s time to grow older. I’ve heard to many men discuss leaving when the kids are old enough but watched them lead their wives right on. It’s disgusting

  8. Why not look at the video from the school bus of the car that backed out and sped away? They have video cameras set up facing out of the front windshield so that if there is a accident they can better understand how it happened … I’m a school bus driver and I know they have cameras set up for this purpose

  9. Message to his family, he wasn’t a good man and please don’t make stupid excuses for his behaviour, and to call his killer a jealous husband is wrong, I would call him a extremely hurt, broken, angry gu, no sympathy for him or his family

  10. I think Garrett is responsible for his bad action you can’t go With other married women and take it’s OK he had his own wife you should have left other women’s wife alone I don’t think you are such a good man myself play with fire you get burnt

  11. Why is there so many killings like this,,, just because someone decides to finish their relationship with you doesn’t mean they deserve to die for it,,, serious mental problems if you can’t see this as wrong…very bad emotional problems in America we’re men are concerned… scary…

  12. This whole case makes no sense , SO MANY persons of interest, but no one cooperating or coming forward?? WhAt do they mean ??? Bring their butts to police station , make them talk , what is this ?! This was not robbery, he was messing with too many women , it’s a jelouse woman who pulled a trigger.

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