Woman’s Face Slashed By Ex – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Woman’s Face Slashed By Ex – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Her ex slashed her face with a knife, and she lived to tell the horrific story. He was allegedly very controlling and abusive during their relationship.

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34 thoughts on “Woman’s Face Slashed By Ex – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

  1. It's mind-boggling that these beautiful women with so much to live for, fall subject to these predators. At the FIRST sign of any hostility LEAVE!!!! It's unnecessary to wait for a second instance

  2. She should have just put a note on her forehead that read "abuse me"… They bring it upon themselves, no idea why but that's exactly what they do. When they are sincerely advised well in advance by the CLOSEST people to them, they completely ignore their pleas and concerns. Then down the line it all happens as forecasted by loved ones, only it's far too late to escape. People such as these don't leave much room for sympathy. Sad situation!

  3. Separated doesn't mean divorced. If you're ex's burn that bridge.if it didn't work the 1st time it probably wont work again.theres a good reason u broke up.its funny! The devils always lose! And he definitely lost! God is always the winner! He always gets his way ! God is always the one in control!

  4. So horrific. My heart breaks for what she endured at his hands but it's a blessing she survived and now finding love and happiness. That ex should have still gotten tons more years in prison as he intended to kill her and make her suffer. It was a chance she wasn't killed so I think with him having that intent and knowing the mental stress she will forever live with he should pay that price for the choices he made. He had no care of her life.

  5. Wtf was wrong w this woman wanting ANOTHER KID W THIS SCUMBAG..NOONE DESERVES TO BE HURT IN ANYWAY..BUT SHE LIVED w her parents..they should threw him out of the house rite away after he put his hands on her the first time she was pregnant

  6. I wonder why the loved ones always have nothing but positive things to say. U never hear them say "Oh who was Christie, well Christie was real bitch, ans u better not let her around ur man. Oh and don't forget to hide ur valuables." She had the ugliest feet I have ever seen

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