Woman Scams Cancer Patients With “Miraculous” Cure – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Woman Scams Cancer Patients With “Miraculous” Cure – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Christine Daniel was convicted of preying on cancer patients by telling them she had a “miracle” cure and charging them thousands of dollars.

More on this story here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2015/10/04/doctor-of-deceit-woman-offers-miracle-cancer-cure-for-big-bucks/

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29 thoughts on “Woman Scams Cancer Patients With “Miraculous” Cure – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

  1. Friend of mine got cancer. She said don't worry faith and Chinese traditional medicine will save her life she gor milked for everything she had and she died of cancer. Shortly after i arrested the people involved who owned the Chinese medicine shop and shut them down permanently
    They were giving her rhinoceros horn told her she would life she didn't the people involved in this illegal operation were all arrested and deported.

  2. Humbly appreciate your kind gesture Dr Omoruyi,you have always able to help with any health issues,we all knows that cancer is a dangerous diseases, the world thought has no cure but I’m happy to say today that I’ve been cured and I’m glad to have you as my doctor__••❤❤❤

  3. As a cancer patient with wife and kids there is no cure for cancer. The sooner you realize this the sooner you and your family can start healing. You can only prolong your life with treatments…

  4. My tumor is gone,thanks to Dr osaye,Ive used his herbal medications just as he instructed me,and they really are super authentic just as he promised me healing, I really want to say thank you Dr from my heart©

  5. Anytime I think about Dr osaye,it explains a happy moment,but me remembering when I was diagnosed with herpes is an unforgettable experience with which most times I wish it's a dream and only people who has the symptoms of HSV virus will understand,I'm so great full for the help of this humble doctor he's a Godsent he's so good with herbs..

  6. My pain and sorrow is gone and gone for good. Dr Ogoh is not just an Herbal doctor but like a Father to me and my savior. Thanks for caring my Cancer disease with your root and herbs 🙏

  7. I know when people are in this situation they are desperate for a cure. What that woman did was abhorrent and evil. Preying on the desperation of others. Despicable.

  8. Hello everyone who is gonna see this massage Pls don't ignore.. You might save a soul! Am Lucy from Guatamala, am here to share an experience testimony. My sister was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liver cancer in November 2019, doctor told us there was no much to be done since the tumor was 7 inches covering her lower lobe and also had spread to her lymph nodes, to cute this story short, She was able to be cured with the help of Dr. SANI,Herbal medicines with 21% THC content we got from Him,To GOD be the glory my sister is cured of cancer today.pls share this testimony to save life’s… ….

    You can reach him for help via Email: (perfectherbalcure@gmail.com )

    Mobile: +(2348118184266)

    WhatsApp : +(2348118184266)

  9. There still are many idiots who think preachers can heal diseases. What is medical acts doing? Idiotic people, the ones who are allowing these type of pastors to loot them should be considered as criminals, and these type of pastors should be jailed for life

  10. i'm sorry. i dont want to blame these families because i understand the desperation but come on.
    based off the "packaging" alone … you really believed and PAYED $5000 for that?
    at some point , you have to be held accountable for that amount of gullible-ness. that's just crazy.

  11. If you're a pastor, you cure terminally ill patients for your costs only, and if you're getting $5000 a week per patient, you would invest in a nice container. How could a Christian prey on desperately ill people and their lovely families? Onto the next episode to see what is in this sludge and how much the ingredients actually cost……..

  12. I would think the victim who died with two surviving sons would come off as the one who was the Scammer. The victim looked innocent, like an angel, good and trustworthy while the scammer looked shady. I would have trusted a woman who literally looked like a good angel over the Scammer who looked like a Human Devil and a Snake.

  13. One sure way to know for certain that someone found a cure to cancer? They’d be found dead from an “accident” , “suicide”, or they’d just be “missing” FOREVER. There’s way too much money to be made for doctors and big pharma’s who rely on TREATING cancer, NOT CURING it! Do a simple Google search if you don’t believe me.

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