Woman Says Boyfriend Abused, Injected Her With Heroin – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Woman Says Boyfriend Abused, Injected Her With Heroin – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Justin Mustafa is accused of abusing his girlfriend Gabbe Rowland, injecting her with heroin, and forcing her to engage in a horrific sex act.

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28 thoughts on “Woman Says Boyfriend Abused, Injected Her With Heroin – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. When will prosecutors and judges learn to keep these people in jail? When it happens to their daughters? This case is worse than most murder cases and the sentence is a slap in the face to the victim and the public.

  2. And I have faith Gabbie will find that man who is going to do fun things and go for ice cream and trips and lots of fun car rides

    And she won’t be scared to be in the vehicle with him, I hope he opens the vehicle door every time she gets in, I hope he buys her flowers and takes her to every party, tuck her into bed, make her breakfast and cook her supper, buy her jewelry

    Do all the things he should have done when he was her man,

  3. I have faith Gabbie will find a boyfriend who treats her like a princess and puts her before himself,

    Not all men are evil, Justin isn’t a man anyway he’s a obstacle that you have to dodge to get through the bad times

    He reminds of of the battles if baseball life. That you have to face him and tell him that you never can control my life again, and I will find a man a real man who really would do the things you said you’d do if you were a good person, nobody deserves you,

    I feel bad for your parents who have birth to such a abusive asshole, I hope you never find another person to abuse everyone again,

  4. Gabbe your a strong young lady. Ty for sharing your story because even if you help one person its a blessing. It's heartbreaking to hear what you went through. I've read several comments that are infuriating to me because no one has the right to judge you for the reason as to why you was with this disgusting boy. As women we should build each other up instead of tearing another down. I suppose it's easy for others to say what they would do…..when in fact they have not been in your shoes. Stay strong sweetheart… God bless you 🙏

  5. It’s not always as easy as just “getting out before it’s too late” because sometimes you don’t see it coming. Like you’re a deer running into the middle of the road and headlights hit you; stunning you and making you unable to move.

    I would know, my ex held me hostage, beat, raped, and tried to kill me. You often don’t see it coming until after the love bombing phase is over. People like him are master manipulators. They isolate you from your family and loved ones; making you entirely dependent on them, making you feel as if they are the only one in your life, and they build and feed off of that. They break you down and build you into what THEY want you to be, because you’re helpless….you don’t have an exit plan, you feel like no matter how loud you scream, no one can hear you. And they just take it farther and farther and you become more and more helpless and lose more hope. And one of two things happens in the end; you succumb to it, or you finally have enough and reach your own breaking point—and escape. Some people don’t get the option to escape sadly.

  6. God bless you honey you are so strong. I’m so sorry he did that to you. I hope you are doing better and living your life to the fullest because you deserve happiness. You can tell you are a beautiful soul. God bless 🙏

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