Woman Killed After Internet Romance – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

Woman Killed After Internet Romance – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

Theodore Manning, IV was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter in airline worker Nikki McPhatter’s death. Manning, IV and McPhatter met through online dating. Kendra Goodman, who was convicted in connection with Nikki McPhatter’s murder, talks to Crime Watch Daily’s Michelle Sigona about the case.

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29 thoughts on “Woman Killed After Internet Romance – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

  1. Why did she have to go to jail at all? Because she brought bleach?! And use $$ he gave her off the stolen card? How does any of that put him in the know. She shystie, but I don’t think she knew.

  2. If it's over it's over you don't have to go to the person face to tell them that,all you have to do from your side is stop all communication that's it and that's all,she didn't need to go there for what you can buy more of whatever was left there,she didn't go for no last goodbye so it was alot more and one thing about what he said is that he told her that they was only friends I believe that upset her as that tends to do when one of the two is looking for more I believe that happened,and then he snap and everything went down hill from there and miss Kendra you are a lonely lier you will take any part of a man you can get ,everyone that listen to your involvement knows you are guilty and to go and have sex afterwards girl bye like I said you look like the type that will take any part of a man that you can get.. desperate azzbig whore..

  3. Just a different perspective here about Kendra. If this guy is a narcissist, she likely was caught up in his lies, which if you're not aware of what's going on it can suck you in. I don't think she was involved. I think she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I think he used her and tried to pin it on her and it worked, because everyone thinks she was involved. Narcissist have a way of keeping you in the dark, until they need you and I'm sure she felt good that he needed her. Unless you are highly aware of how they operate, it's easy to get sucked in and before you know it you're wondering how the hell you got yourself into such a mess. I really think he set her up.

  4. His other girlfriend clearly had no idea he had killed his previous lover, the police love dragging innocent people along with a murder, sexist cops. :/

  5. My heart breaks for Latoya 😢😢😢 I could never forgive Kendra for what she did, Kendra should have got more jail time and the killer should have got life in prison or the death penalty, if he was a player anyways why did he kill Nikki? RIP Nikki 😢😢

  6. Kendra is a liar. "Those were cleaning products for my home." Really!! Just coincidentally you buy those specific cleaning products, on the night she is murdered. Wow!! Poor lie. Closes her eyes as she says, "I know it was the right thing to do." Ummm… sure you do. So many lies in this story.

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