Woman Killed After Internet Romance – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Woman Killed After Internet Romance – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Theodore Manning, IV was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter in airline worker Nikki McPhatter’s death. Manning, IV and McPhatter met through online dating. Kendra Goodman, who was convicted in connection with Nikki McPhatter’s murder, talks to Crime Watch Daily’s Michelle Sigona about the case.

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35 thoughts on “Woman Killed After Internet Romance – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. She got sick at the scene LATER…but she was right there when he blew up the car. So desperate for a man she would do anything for somebody who looked at her ugly self. And I'm sorry but she does NOT look 27. Closer to 47.

  2. She knows he did it nasty Bitch how can you lie for a man you no did it ……you know why some women lie for man because they think the man really love them which is sick to me sad

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