Woman Has Husband Killed On Valentine’s Day – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Woman Has Husband Killed On Valentine’s Day – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Why did Stacey Schoeck want her husband dead?

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50 thoughts on “Woman Has Husband Killed On Valentine’s Day – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. Pay attention: tried to throw Juan under the bus…. She’s a calculating manipulator who can turn on the charm. Take note: if she has had multiple partners and non of them worked out, run run and never look back! Don’t believe she just “wasn’t lucky”…believe the other guys weren’t … and you might be next …

  2. the desperation of some people. This fat bitch has five marriages and then a side piece? I bet every man she was with had to have flour to find her wet spot.

  3. You hear properly how this woman said …the word DEAD …. from that pronunciation you know who ordered for shoot. If was detective I would have hammered that fcking woman…

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