Woman Convicted In Murder For Hire Plot – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Woman Convicted In Murder For Hire Plot – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Tara Lambert tried to have the biological mother of her two stepdaughters, Kellie Cooke, killed by a hitman. She met with an undercover police officer who was posing as a hired hit-man.

More on this story here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/03/07/fashion-model-convicted-in-murder-for-hire-plot/



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18 thoughts on “Woman Convicted In Murder For Hire Plot – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

  1. It blows my mind how little time people get for trying to hire hitmen. Apparently our legal system is waiting for them to successfully have someone killed before they get too bothered about it.

  2. 7 years….if it was a man, he would have gotten 20….do we are banking really don't know why birthrate is down in this country?…….because men get shit deals and women get a pass because they have a vagina…..only going to get worse….

  3. lol They tell her the conversations were recorded, then she says "well, the topic came up but I don't want her dead." lol She just admitted to having the conversations so she can't deny it's her on the tapes. The tapes which clearly show she wanted her dead and how excited she was about having her killed.
    lol Don't get me wrong, I think Tara deserves to rot in a cell for the next two decades or so but, that's also a great example of why you don't talk without a lawyer.

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