Woman Confesses To Mom’s Murder In Bali – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Woman Confesses To Mom’s Murder In Bali – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Heather Mack previously told Crime Watch Daily from behind bars that her boyfriend Tommy Schaefer killed her mother, Sheila von Wiese-Mack in Bali before they stuffed her body in a suitcase and dumped it. Mack has since revealed in a series of YouTube videos that her boyfriend is innocent. Mack claims that she killed her mother after learning that her mother murdered her father many years ago, and that he didn’t actually die from a pulmonary embolism.

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40 thoughts on “Woman Confesses To Mom’s Murder In Bali – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. She is lying saying that she is the one who killed her mom because she thinks that she has a good reason to sell to people as to why her mother had to die, by accusing her of having murdered her dad. She thinks that its a good justification which will make people symphathise with her thats why she can even let Tommy off the hook now. She found a perfect explanation for the murder and it sounds even more heroic if we take Tommy out of it.

  2. Lol! Silly teenager, she thinks she's clever. She's trying to get her boyfriend out cz she was coming out early and wants to be with him. Can somebody cut her off her mother's money and kp her in Bali prison a long while longer? Lol! Why is this case so challenging to authorities?!

  3. This chick is a compulsive liar. This like what..the 5th time she changed her story?? Im laughing my ass off at the videos. If an entire comment section doesn't believe you..its usually split..then yes you're guilty af

  4. She is certainly where she should be but for the rest of her life,she is one crazy delusional person who has no remorse for what she did,who in their right mind could beat your mum to death than stuff her in a suitcase and think nothing of it, I’d look out who ever is going to be her next boyfriend, we’ll be hearing about here again in years to come, she is definitely a sociopath!

  5. Just trying to get her boy out early so they can be together when she's out in less than 10. Dig a hole, bury them, and forget about them. No one will miss them. But that won't happen. She's tax payers' responsibility while she's uploading confession videos to Youtube until she ultimately walks free, because that's justice.

  6. She is NUCKING FUTS. My mom was the BEST woman I have ever known. I accidentally hurt her when I was a little girl, she was trying to help me get off the floor, and I was playing around. I took her hand and I managed to pull her to the floor and broke her sacral bone. I have felt bad about it ever since I was told. I didn't know that I had hurt her at the time, but still…

  7. The only time she actually became emotional was at the end when she started talking about her boyfriend. I'd like to know how she found out her mother killed her father and how was his death ruled a pulmonary embolism?

  8. She said Indonesian Jail is super great and she doesn’t want to come back to the US because she feels like an Indonesian now. I’m like Yay! We don’t want you in the US. If they want to keep you in Indonesia, then great!

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