Dalia Dippolito is accused of trying to get her husband Michael Dippolito killed by a hitman. She called up former boyfriend Mohamed Shihadeh to get her husband killed, and Shihadeh informed authorities about her plan. Then authorities staged her husband’s death before confronting her about her plan to have him killed. Dippolito maintained that she, Shihadeh, and her husband staged the entire thing altogether to pitch a reality TV show.
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From time to time I count my BLESSINGS because that could of been me which it almost was , my x wife would of killed me and not even blinked , i guarantee it!!! I'm so grateful for the life i have today its been 5 years and 8 months and im still cleaning up her mess , God Bless you all!!!
"hows it make you feel that hes still alive" savage
مين جا من ابو طلال الحمراني
مين جا من ابو طلال الحمراني
The reporter is as colourful as this story.
When she cried I thought it was a seal! WTF!!!
What did that guy do for a living?
A YouTubed would of made this about 20min long lol
"Ai no u deedn't." Back across the border might have been a better place to take all that jewelry.
Bet his ex wife was laughing her ass off at this cheating bastard when sh heard this lol I'm glad he didn't get killed though.
Do you know the sound dogs make when you step accidentally on their tail or paw? Yeah. That sound shes doing there.
BRU I count do better acting (don’t go to my channel and watch my latest video)
She is an absolute tramp of a human being. All you have to do is look at her to see the wavelength she's on. And what he's an ex-con fresh out out of jail for fraud? And he divorced his wife for this wana-be-hot but never will be cow?… Michael didn't seem to be absolutely 'shocked to hell' by any of it in the court room…and he was at home recovering from surgery when the murder was to take place – I thought he was supposed to be going to the bank to draw $10K??? Cops call in the "COPS" film crew at the 'crime scene' and play along with it all, tell her that Michael has been killed at the scene…The whole police side of the equation is quite dramatized too with everyone having a part …Its more like a movie than a crime. No doubt, some producer will come along and make a proper movie out of it based on a true story and the book – . Hey perhaps Dalia can play the role as herself? $$$$$$$$$$$
Am I the only one that saw she poured on the crap midway through the cop’s sentence 😂😂
Beauty kills bet that guy regrets divorcing his wife over that psychopath new wife😂😂😂😂
The mother blames the husband? Hey momma, my guess your narcissistic daughter is the way she is is partly because of you.
My guess is this husband is really sorry he dumped his first wife for this train wreck!
Well done Mohammed!!
Very funny, quite frankly, the mix of reality and play!
An Oscar award doesn't deserve her. 😂
Lols ' i didnt do anything'…. Are you dumb?????
I like how he kept telling her 'you going to jail today'😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
How long is she looking at sentence wise, if she convicted?
Dahlia: I thought it was that reality show called Crime Watch Daily. 🤷♀️
Why didn't this broad just listen to her mother and leave him? Why pay so much money to have the man killed? Why not just leave him like most women do? You have to be one dumb broad to pay a 10k+ sum to get someone killed.
He was not trying to hug her lol
'My dog is in the house'
This Mark Ebner is hilarious.