Woman Accused of Pointing Pellet Gun at People Shot Down by California Cops

Woman Accused of Pointing Pellet Gun at People Shot Down by California Cops

Bodycam footage shows police shooting a California woman accused of pointing a gun at officers and civilians on May 20. Sacramento Police later determined 43-year-old Linh Saeteurn was armed with a pellet gun after the non-fatal shooting. Saeteurn was booked into county jail after being treated at a hospital. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie breaks down the story.

Read more on this story: https://bit.ly/3oF2Ujf

Sierra Gillespie: https://twitter.com/sierragillespie

#LawAndCrime #Sacramento #PoliceShooting

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48 thoughts on “Woman Accused of Pointing Pellet Gun at People Shot Down by California Cops

  1. As much as they were justified they need to not be contradictory with their commands. The cop was shouting that if she reached toward the gun she would be shot again, so she kept her hand away from the gun but then they shout at her that she needs to push the gun away or she won't get medical aid. Maybe start with the push the gun away command first as she could have gotten help a minute faster if they had not made her afraid to touch the gun. Otherwise they did everything right

  2. These cowards really wasted serval minutes on making sure they had a shield, putting their gloves on and getting everyone behind the shield to approach a women less then 10 feet away in critical condition on the ground. Like really? In much worse situations a suspect could die with it taking that long for medical aid.

  3. Officer:"Reach for the gun and we will shoot you again!"
    Also officer:"Slide the gun away!"
    Suspect:"Am I supposed to move it with my mind?!"

  4. Edit: to carefully make changes to poorly organized or repetitive material, so that readers, viewers, etc aren't bored silly (one definition).

  5. Youtube…stop forcing people to blue these dum-dums bleeding…the rest of them need to see what happened when youre a class A fool. Revision allows for margine in the minds of these kinds of people

  6. Somebody could have done an oil painting with all the descriptions. No way 911 needed that much info. What color undies, what color eyeliner, what color socks? Woman with gun, location, vague clothing description. Was this training day? Bay area, now I get it

  7. Thank you to Gavin Newsom for letting these crazies run loose but I know he doesn't care. He is too busy promoting pride month, promoting grooming, and trying to disarm citizens.

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