Police accuse Lacy Johnson of faking cancer and milking multiple boyfriends, friends, family and fellow synagogue members out of nearly half a million dollars. Pat LaLama has the story.
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Police accuse Lacy Johnson of faking cancer and milking multiple boyfriends, friends, family and fellow synagogue members out of nearly half a million dollars. Pat LaLama has the story.
Check your local listings at CrimeWatchDaily.com.
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Got away with murder. If i had done that stuff with no record, id be doing at least a 10yr bid+++. I think she just hooked up with that guy so she could steal his identity and use it to get credit cards. She just used everybody in her life it sounds like
What did she spend it on?
Damn they look alike!
This makes me sick. My cousin had cancer and died last year. And she basically mocked cancer patients. Ugh
This female is a shark! Why can’t she just GET A JOB!!
How do defense lawyers sleep at night?!!
She's a con artist, thief, sociopath, predator and a pathological liar!!! And she's in very good company as well. These scammers know nothing more than to steal, swindle and lie their way through life. For her to use her ex in the manner she did was just as bad if not worse than lying about having cancer. She's a lazy Woman who never worked a day in her life and living the life of a parasite.
Good lookin Woman?Lady you need glasses…
of course she has her nails done!!
fuck that bitch
are you kidding? That girl is so fine, I would give her $30k just for being so good looking.
fresh face don't work for horse face
i bet she is gunna write an awesome book one day… hopefully from prison.
Lacey marble like Jenna marbles 😂 gtfoh using Jenna's dogs name as a last name!
Part ONE is on the lacy Elizabeth Johnson website. You're welcome
Good looking woman? lol
That scammer is out on $117,000 bail? Sheesh- crime really does pay. I'd never make bail.
Every cancer charity steels money from people every single one!!!!
go to lasey johnson fraud and u will find part one
lol good for her. I wish I was smart enough to scam so much money. she got caught though so she is stupid lol
WHERE IS PART 1???????
Wheres part one?
Female privilege in action. Has everything given to her and it's still not enough so she's gonna steal it. Then in the end she's the victim and will either receive no jail time or the typical 50% less time than a male for the same crime stat.
Is this part #1 orrrrr? Why aren't these in order?
What the heck is going on with all the missing parts that keep happening lately?