Lacy Johnson is accused of stealing money from others through a fake cancer scam.
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Why the voice modulator? Why would Joe need to hide his identity lol it isn't the mob he's investigating
She is so evil
I find it funny a pretty white girl gets a suspended sentence across the pond a woman got 33 months in prison. Really we come down hard in non cute people, all you got to do is sob, be fake, cry and it helps if you aren't brown or black.
Damn it sure looks bad for people who want to date nowadays. 😢 she’s pure evil. 😢
It's too bad that one of Lacy's dates wasn't a serial killer…….
Hello, all members of the True Crime Daily company. My name is Morgan S. Torres. I want to share this video that all of you made over 6 years ago.
Now, listen here. My family members and I were having some fun with my grandfather, and helping him out for when he needed something, until he died from his heart cancer. The reason why he died from his heart cancer on that day before yesterday at 8:00pm, is because he took a warm shower to maintain his good health and good hygiene until something terrible happened to him. No matter how much my family members and I love and support him, we still miss him. As a person who has a heart cancer as well as my grandfather had, I definitely don't like it at any point when everybody (especially Lacy Johnson) fakes having a heart cancer in order to earn enough money for everything. Neither do my family members. That makes us very disappointed everytime we see those people doing that. Not to mention that we have been feeling worried about my grandfather lately, no matter how much we love and support him. My family members and I would pray for him "Please have a good and lovely life in the heaven soon, and rest in peace [December 02, 1956 through May 31, 2023]. Thank you for loving and supporting us.", because he is my best grandfather in the whole wide world.
As for Lacy Johnson, she deserved to get put in jail for the rest of her life, and do a lot of community services for pretending to have those cancers (including the heart cancer) in order to get enough money for everything. Making those mockeries of those people who actually were diagnosed with those cancers is considered panhandling and scamming them. She really needs to know that panhandling and scamming are one of the illegal things in real life on Earth. We honestly hope that those prison-related punishments would make her learn her serious and valuable lessons in order for her not to panhandle nor scam anybody who actually is innocent and/or poor anymore in the future.
Thank you all for publishing this video and please enjoy your good lives.
Anyone who would do this is despicable. This is sick!!! She should be in jail for the rest of her life. She's too lazy to work!!!
Do these type of people have no feelings for anyone? I wouldn't have the first clue how to run a scam let alone use a fake name.
I live in California and
And the women’s prison would be a perfect place for her not county jail because they could get their hands on her in prison and give her a beat down that she deserves, and she’ll never take a dime from somebody again unless she works for it I feel so heartbroken For her godmother I hope somebody started a go fund me for her. God bless her. I don’t care what someone says right now, but if I had my hands around that girl, I would choke the bitch out and I’d punch her face in so bad, she’d never ask anybody for a penny ever again Have a nice evening folks. God bless everybody out there
She needs to be introduced to Alex Murdaugh. Would make a Dream Team
It is sad to see how law enforcement does its utmost to enforce the law and to bring criminals to just watch how corrupt lawyers and lame judges obstruct justice for the oppressed. A get-out-of-jail-free card should only be applied when someone pays for the crimes committed, and it should not be the victims.
Ain't Pastors, Priests demanding money scammers too ?
Will people get their money back?
When the car got towed 💀💀
She’s mentally ill. Sad.
She is busted 🤯🤯🤯
Cannot even fathom living with myself after scamming caring people like this cold hearted beyotch. Psychopath sociopath and narcissistic criminal
I really don't see how you can choose the lady that raised you after your mama died as your first victim. Also understand how the hell you decide to hit church folk. I mean victimizing people period it's horrible but I mean you win after the two most horrible types people people that are close to you and people that literally give just because you know they're trying to help you they give even if they don't got it at church. Shit 180 days ain't shit she'll serve like 60 days of that, she won't pay none of that restitution probably won't do none of that community service. You might as well have just told her go out and do it again cuz she's going to skip town and she going to find somewhere else to do it that's her MO. I've heard of a slap on the wrist that's even worse dude you pretty much just told her a we don't mind what you're doing just don't do it here that's pretty much what you told her with the 180 days in jail. That's a fucking joke
Cat: Leave me out of this.
180 days? WTF?
Typical Jew behavior
As someone who has lost several people to cancer and I have battled cancer three times this makes me sick because when someone actually does need help they're not going to get it because of these scam artists.
GO GET A JOB YOU LEECH!! What truly doesn’t make sense to me is…. We have nasty little parasites like this girl in the world and doesn’t want to lift a finger (simply out of laziness and her being BEYOND PATHETIC) to go get a job. She would rather trick people out of their hard earned $ and be a little lazy mooch!! If the court system was truly fair they would’ve given her a lot more time and harsher punishment because honestly they’re not getting tax $ out if catering to this freeloading non-tax-paying piece of shit!!This girl is not gonna learn anything and she’s gonna walk away and keep doing the same things rather than if they punish her appropriately she might actually go get a job and then contribute to paying taxes and contribute in our economy!!!!
"…and cat"
That's when I open up my pocketbook lmao.
All that money and she looks so plain Jane. She’ll look better in a orange jumpsuit ☺️
With the money she owes, the law can always put leans on her property and bank accounts until she pays every penny she owes
Good luck finding a job with this monster on your back Lacy.
I bet her car was towed for parking in a handicap parking.
Her car towed, nah probably got repossessed
All to feed her habits, live rich on other people's money. Getting only 3 years!??
She's not the first one doing this and IT'S DISGUSTING!!!! HOW DARE SHE DO THIS!! I hope she gets charged/locked up and return all she received!!!
She deceived her kids, she doesn't deserve them! They should be with family members and not to be allowed near them. Makes us sick for what she's done to her family and everyone else she's conned!
Stage 4 ovarian cancer, wow she should be in the hospital suffering or passed away like a friend and cousin of mine who died from stage 2/3 ovarian cancer.
That's insulting, extremely hurtful to All of us!!!! Her mother would be so disappointed of her.
Six months in jail, wow. Why even bother.
It's horrible what Lacey did and she should be held accountable but what about all the Nigerian romance scammers that have stolen a lot more than her? How come they are not behind bars for a long time? It seems they get away with it!! Scum bags!!
Once a con artist, always a con artist. A con artist will never change its spots.
I have a strong Theory on why she did that to her victims! I feel like Lacey did it because….. she was extremely BROKE!!! And wanted to live on her own and she didn’t have the Money to do it and could’ve easily asked her God mother to help her find ways to do it. But I think she chose to take a sinister way of doing that by herself by instantly starting the fraud charity of Her having Cancer and possibly she wanted to take people’s Money to start a new life which didn’t work cause people were already suspicious of her doing it to other more victims. And I think she didn’t have a life or Friends Unfortunately. And probably didn’t grow up without being bullied or picked on or repeatedly got rejected as a child and maybe it drew her to do these Scams later in her life. Theoretically that’s probably why she did it to people. Cause she cared more about Money than she did to her people who gave her money.
Lacy is a peace of trash to do that to all them nice people to act like u have cancer that so many people really have and that pain that they go through everyday and for her to act like she has it its mind blowing to me she needs to go to jail for a long time I dont think she needs help she needs dam jail time and i hope all them people presses charges on her
The law is a joke.
Lacy is a cold, calculating, entitled, " always the victim ", narrccist . Narcs are devoid of empathy..she does not feel remorse, only contempt for those that testified against her. Even her poor aunt, she feels NOTHING for her plight either. A despicable excuse for a human being..probably a sociopath too. Lock her up and throw away the key…once she gets out, she will do it all over again to unsuspecting, innocent, generous, and kind- natured people ; but most likely she will move to some neighbouring town/city where no one knows her yet. Narcs nerve change. I hope the next time she gets caught, she gets locked up for years and years..eventually she will lose her youth and mental edge as she gets older and scamming others with false charm won't be so easy by then. Ppl should not waste any emotions on her trying to get her to be sorry..she's not sorry and is incapable of that emotion. Brutal as all narcs are!
Lacy, have you ever seen the movie, Indecent Proposal? That's right baby! One wild night on my boat and I'll write you a Check for One Million dollars!
Sometimes this show is so over the top it’s hard to take serious.
5yrs, she should be in jail for a long time scamming people.
Why the heck the cops never arrest her.
Well what goes around comes around if I believe in karma
When I watch that piece of human trash I wish we'd live in a time where people would be able to decide which is the appropriate punishment and immediately go for it.
Truly a disgusting individual.
Ice in her veins sssshhhhheeeeeesssshhhhh!!!!
That Gul gonna find another way to scheme!!! 🤷🏼♀️🙄
I hope and pray that everyone who fakes a terminal illness catches the illness they are faking
Stole all that money and I got a slap on the wrist. I wonder why 💭 🤔
I wish cancer on those who pretend to have cancer!