Woman Accused Of Faking Cancer, Scamming Others – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Woman Accused Of Faking Cancer, Scamming Others – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Lacy Johnson is accused of stealing money from others through a fake cancer scam.

More on this story here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/11/21/woman-accused-of-faking-cancer-scamming-hundreds-of-thousands-of-dollars/

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26 thoughts on “Woman Accused Of Faking Cancer, Scamming Others – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

  1. 2:44 Dorinda did the right thing looking up the hospital but she should've also called the hospital to see if Tracy in there or not! 😮‍💨😓🤦 I can't believe that Lacy Johnson would take advantage of such good-hearted people especially such a nice lady of Dorinda Gardner therefore Lacey Johnson needs to be punished to fullest extend of the law! 😭😖😓😞😣😩😫😤😡

  2. I’m so sorry sweetheart I can’t believe they didn’t think your brothers cancer was real. All they have to do is check his white blood cell count and this bitch. I hope she gets her ass beat or did get her ass beat in LA county jail because she’s the type that would I mean she’s 30 and she’s never had a real job. I started working when I was 16. God bless you honey. I’m so sorry.

  3. I hope she rots in prison, my dad died from cancer in 2009 when I was 14 years old. It just angers me and have hatred towards people that do that for attention and money:

  4. Bro you know I don't understand faking being sick at all. But scamming random people is one thing, scamming the lady that took you in when your mom died. To scam her and tell her that you have the same type of cancer that took your mama and to take that lady's entire life savings after everything she's done for you, you could have done less damage with a knife. That's really sociopathically for real

  5. Don't give to people you don't know unless you are willing to be giving it to a potential grifter. I see people contributing to people on Tiktok all the time and there have been a handful of times that people find out it was all a scam. There was one case in particular of a young mother (with baby in hand) who was crying asking for money to leave her abusive partner. It was all a scam. It sucks because not only do these grifters take people's hard earned money but they create people with hardened hearts.

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