Wild New Mexico Shootout Erupts As Police Search For Gunman

Wild New Mexico Shootout Erupts As Police Search For Gunman

Body camera footage shows a wild shootout between Albuquerque police and an alleged mentally ill man on May 10. Officers were called after someone heard six gunshots and later engaged in gunfire with the suspect later identified as 33-year-old Kevin Trujillo. He ran from the scene after getting shot and hid inside his mother’s home. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie breaks down the footage minute-by-minute and explains how officers ended up apprehending him.

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34 thoughts on “Wild New Mexico Shootout Erupts As Police Search For Gunman

  1. The cop shot at him twice with no legal reason, there was no gun showing b4 dude went inbetween the compleses…shooting back at an unlawful attempted murder is called self defense.

  2. This is what you get in a Harris, FJB open border policy. Drug cartels use I 25. Disgusting. The governor needs to "hit the road"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. This dude is loose cannon, but whats worse is they way APD younger officers are not able to shoot their targets and when they do its the wrong way of handling it…. Chief Medina should be up and out and maybe it woukd change..

  4. Is it a deliberate lie to say that the suspect fired at the officer and neglect to comment on the fact that it was the officer who drew his gun and shot at the suspect first? Because what the bodycam shows and the narrative of the video do not match!

  5. GUN SHOT DETECTION SYSTEM SHOT SPOTTER. Wow that must be nice. Here in the San Juan county Bloomfield New Mexico I hear gun shots in the city all the time on the south side… Cops do nothing.

  6. All these officers so freakin' brave!! Walking straight in like it's just anither day at work…which it sadly is.
    Bless each of them and thise they love. 💙👮‍♂️

  7. "Shot Spotter" is a great tool for someone that would want to ambush police. They didn't think that one through very well in their eagerness to deprive people of their constitutional rights. I was a police officer for a time but I think that is a bit of government over reach.

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