Wild About Trial: Experts Talk Ketchup Murder Prank – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Wild About Trial: Experts Talk Ketchup Murder Prank – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Micah Risner and girlfriend Nataleigh Schlette were recently arrested after staging a fake murder scene and texting it to family members. They went on to be arrested for inducing panic. Jesse Weber, Chris Hansen, and Misty Marris discuss the highly publicized story for Wild About Trial.

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22 thoughts on “Wild About Trial: Experts Talk Ketchup Murder Prank – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

  1. The Male Lawyer ? Jessie I think his name is ? Is the kind of guy who gets off Throwing anybody in jail for anything he can. That is what we call a disgrace to the system.The girl was clothed and sent it to her boyfriend. So this little little man wants to ruin her life for it. And what could be a Halloween prank in his eyes is subject to prison time.. Scary knowing people like him are out there.

  2. Im confused, why would the 14yr old girl be in trouble and not whoever distributed the pictures?? Classic example of how everything is always the womans fault when guys violate them or their privacy

  3. Can we discuss the fact that a 14 year old girl was being targeted by a lawyer (who looks like a fucking pedophile) for sending photos of herself in underwear to a boy who most definitely asked or convinced her to do it.

    That is just a fat, lonely, gross 40yo man/lawyer who is mad that there are nudes of 14 year old girls and he cant enjoy them, Men need to stop being retarded.

  4. The red haired woman kept interrupting the other attorney and taking obnoxiously louder. Don’t work as a professional if you have no proper etiquette.

  5. Case 1- Couple should get convicted and serve jail time. Not a long jail time but sufficient enough to teach them there is consequences for their actions.

    Case 2- That 14 yrs. old needs to be taught a lesson but no jail time.

  6. I think the fake murder scene couple should be fined and given community service, no jail time.

    I think the 14 year old girl should be made aware that criminal charges can be made against her, but be given community service and maybe a couple of lessons/classes about the weight of her actions. I think I'd decide the last part depending on her parents though. I know she didn't intend to contribute to child pornography, but she did. These kids need to stop trying to be "sexy" and "adults" and know that actual grown adults can easily obtain these images and once they're out there, there's no getting them back.

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