Brian’s defense claims that a violent, daylong fight ensued, culminating in Yvonne pulling a knife. Brian fought back, beating Yvonne before getting hold of the knife and using it to fatally stab her in the back.
Full story:
I'm shocked that Brian Brimager only got 26 years for his crime, unless it was decided that he should get life without Parole.
The sister and what she did really put a lump in my throat…. Poor father and family. Lost 2 daughters and it breaks my heart
Yvonne and Michelle may you both rest in peace as well as your family find some peace and comfort in knowing that! I am praying for your loved ones! Such a horrendous crime💙🤍💜
Holy shit! This is sad .
How sad for this family to lose two daughters by one man he may have only killed one but he caused the other to die 😢
This is so sad.
What a story glad that she did everything for her sister.
She asked" how did i do " oh my God ,a sister's love.
One hellava stepmom…She's a special lady ♥
Those parents lost 2 daughters, how horrible
4 YEARS AGO !! And still Hansen can't make it ONE WHOLE VIDEO.
god he looks like such a tool with that guitar, bet his band sucked a**
Let’s face it the women who was murdered was violent, physically & emotionally abused her man, as he did her. She was her own worst enemy. Extreme behavior on both ends. She was no angel. Kept pushing pushing the envelope. If family would have put as much energy in getting their daughter sister to leave this pos, as they did to find her body, she might be alive
May the sisters rest together in paradise. This breaks my heart how evil can people be? I mean the murderer of course
That Mark Conover is pretty handsome😲.
This such a sad and tragic story
The sister remained alive to give her testimony and then she left after her job was done. Very sad story.
How in the heck could a woman marry a man that killed his previous wife or gf?… No way could I ever lay down to sleep knowing a killer was next to me…. Is she too stupid to realize she or her kids could be next?..
I’m not religious, but I’d hope that she felt some peace when she left this world, and I hope she and her sister were reunited at last.
So, disturbing how can a human being do something like that to someone you supposedly loved
Okay it's hard to get me upset but this story was brutal
WOW!!! Iam crying soooooHARD!!! I hope and pray they find the rest of her body so at the very LEAST, her dad and step mom can know thry did ALL they could do and now they will b buried with her and have joy-filled life for all eternity! Praying for all n this family!! God bless all that r involved. They need ALL the help they can get.!!!!💙💚💜💛❤💟🖤💜💚💛💟💚💜❤🖤💜💟💗💟❤💜🖤💚💙🖤💜💛💚💟❤💟💛💜🖤💚💟❤💙💗💟💙🖤💜💛❤💚💚
Yvonne may have been in love with a monster, but she sure had an awesome family who loved her deeply.
She is able to finally be with her sister ♥️
Her sweet god help us all
This episode made me cry my eyes out. I hope both of them Rest In Peace. ♥️
I can't imagine for the life of me understand why this man couldn't just leave her
Thank god they found her bones
Brought me to tears. Such a strong sister and family! No one, no one can break that family down! No matter what❤️
I kind of wish he could somehow get in trouble for her sister's death as well. If it weren't for him, she probably would have taken better care of herself, or at least noticed that something was off with herself.
Bless that amazing sister and her sweet step mother and father