Wife Of CEO Found Dead In Apparent Suicide – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Wife Of CEO Found Dead In Apparent Suicide – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Michelle Castillo was found dead of an apparent suicide in March 2014. Investigators, however, suspected that she didn’t really take her own life. Her estranged husband Braulio Castillo, the CEO of Virginia-based company Strong Castle, was convicted of murdering her in June 2016.

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22 thoughts on “Wife Of CEO Found Dead In Apparent Suicide – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. I think the detective was removed because of incompetence, and this created frustration in the precinct.
    Because if you viewed video surveillance for hours and hours, reviewing it, and couldn't find the intruder, and needed your crime t.v show wife , to come up with : he got into the house earlier, so review earlier footage, (simple, lateral reasoning, and the FIRST suggestion one would come up with : look at earlier video footage, he has gained access at some stage earlier, so let's find it ! instead of thinking and thinking and being stumped by why he isn't in the time frame footage, being viewed over and over for hours showing nothing, what sort of detective is it ?
    A not too smart one, and possibly someone who shouldn't be a detective.
    That just seemed, not "switched on" enough.
    No offence intended, but that lack of intelligence, frustrates me, especially when it's so not rocket science, to think of what his wife's "light bulb" moment suggestion was ; and
    when, it's a pretty glaringly obvious reasoning or suggestion: stop wasting time on that time frame video, and look at the earlier surveillance footage preceding this one .
    Like derrrrrr readers .

  2. It's funny that these cops look at people who lawyer up some kind of way, yet when they are in trouble, the first thing they do as cops, is get their rep involved and won't speak without their lawyers.

  3. So, it's not against the law to lie about serving our country, claim disability and apply for lucrative government contracts? Don't they check out the people applying for these contracts??? I guess not. And we wonder why the country is trillions in debt. Thievery all around.

  4. I feel so bad for her and her children. that guy was guilty from the start. he had motive and he lawyered up so quickly before her knew what even happened. GUILTY

  5. "I'm so glad that you would be willing to play football in prep school to protect this great country'.
    I fucking choked on my water. She did NOT hold back 😂😂😂

  6. It took me 20 seconds to realize he must've been in the house before she locked it and set the alarm, and I'm not a cop. How else could someone get in the house if they didn't have the code without making it go off? Easy…..they were already there!

  7. Thought he had moved on… She would have been Handsomely reward a great deal after the Divorce, was Final… Don't think he was willing too part with money like that…..SUICIDE? IT WAS MURDER!!!

  8. An ugly, sleazy, homicidal and cheating fat-boy. Half of the business was hers anyway, but he decides to murder her. POS. How sick do you have to be to place money over the mother of your children?

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