Why Wasn’t Lori Vallow Daybell’s Niece Melani Charged in Murder Case?

Why Wasn’t Lori Vallow Daybell’s Niece Melani Charged in Murder Case?

A viewer asked the Law&Crime Network Q&A panelist why “doomsday cult” mom Lori Vallow Daybell’s niece Melani Pawlowski was not charged in this case. Executive trial producer Cathy Russon and correspondent Gigi McKelvey answered the question.

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23 thoughts on “Why Wasn’t Lori Vallow Daybell’s Niece Melani Charged in Murder Case?

  1. Psychologically weak…All the women in this little fanatical cult…Be your own person. Have your own beliefs. Stand up for yourself, that’s one thing. But if you have kids, have the courage and the conviction and the fierceness to STAND UP FOR THEM no matter what the cost! Truly sickening and unbelievable!

  2. It is an injustice to the 4 children that her and Brandon share and also the new children with new husband. We should not leave her crimeless. She is the one who stood to benefit from the life insurance policy of Brandon. She didn't care about killing the father and more importantly her own children as well. They were deemed dark!

  3. I wonder if she wanted the kids so she could profit from them after their dad was murdered too…and kill them like JJ and his sister who they continued using for money after they died. They were called demons too 🙁

  4. Well more truaks are voming up..
    She may be called to testify at Charles' . And honestky they n ay be thinking Charles's defense will throw her under the bus .. ztgey coukd say it was Liri &.Melanie who conspired to the killing & Alex carried it out .. And to prove it …he could speak about the attemot on Brandon's life and then when they both showed up at Brandons and she was arrested …..
    They need real proof to get her.. And now Loris done ..in prison…Alex is dead .. Chad is on trial and wants to beat the death penalty. So they'll pull out all the punches

  5. Melanie is a weirdo to! I think she had something to do with her ex husband Brandon Boudreax getting shot at. Bcoz when Melanie showed up to Brandon's house bcoz she thought her kids were in danger. Is bogus ASF. She's Lori's twin!! U cannot tell me that Melanie knew nothing about tylee, jjs murders and attempted murder of her ex husband!! Come on ppl.

  6. Melanie Boudreau pawlawski needs charged in the attempted murder of her ex husband Brandon. She was in on it. She should never have custody of her children since she talked of them being zombies and being dark. Lock her up.

  7. One down. Mouthie Melani Pawlowski next. Both Melanies, and Zulema knew what was going down but MP had the greatest vantage point. Unfortunately, Law Enforcement couldn't figure it out.

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