‘Why Not in The Head?’: Gun-Toting Grandpa Begs Cops to Shoot Him Outside California Church

‘Why Not in The Head?’: Gun-Toting Grandpa Begs Cops to Shoot Him Outside California Church

Bodycam footage shows the moments leading up to an officer-involved shooting outside of a California church on May 7. The San Diego Sheriff’s Department said a congregate reported that an elderly man had a gun inside the Church of Christ in Vista. The video shows the suspect’s grandson walking out of the church with his hands up before his grandfather emerged, pinching the handle of a pistol between his fingers while advancing toward deputies. After repeated attempts to de-escalate the situation, a deputy fired one non-fatal shot at the suspect. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie breaks it down.

Sierra Gillespie: https://twitter.com/sierragillespie

#Bodycam #SanDiego #LawAndCrime

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38 thoughts on “‘Why Not in The Head?’: Gun-Toting Grandpa Begs Cops to Shoot Him Outside California Church

  1. See! Cops CAN SHOOT and not kill. This man clearly is in need of help. He did not hold the gun in a manner that he was ready to shoot, since he's holding it at its tip or upside down or something.

  2. I think no charges for this guy is a little off and not acceptable for public safety. It doesn’t matter if you're demented or not, you can't just walk through public areas with a lethal weapon acting crazy and expect people to not take it as a serious threat. Only in America is mental health not taken seriously enough even if it's a "first world country."

  3. U.S. officers have no clue how to deescalate a situation. Always yelling and screaming the same old mantra's "drop the gun, get on the ground". Even if a guy's head is blown off and landed 10 yards away, they still scream "get on the ground". This guy, however crazy he was, had his gun dangling from the muzzle. You have two or more cops ready to fire, yet they still go absolute paranoid about the dude. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for policing the public, but this is just uncivilized.

  4. Definitely the time to not aim for centre mass, if you did have to shoot him. Good job officers. But how are you guys in America not sick of this? The constant violence, suicides by gun, shooting murders, random gunshots, people going armed to cause fear, mass shootings… how do you live like this? And even more, how do so many of you keep repeating the same propaganda about everyone having to have guns, when the more guns you have & the easier access, the more gun violence you have? I’m so glad I live in a much safer country!

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