Who Shot Evelyn Bunte? – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Who Shot Evelyn Bunte? – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

A teenager survived multiple gunshots to the head and a knife wound, but has no memory of who did this to her.

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46 thoughts on “Who Shot Evelyn Bunte? – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. Why are they not investigating this properly? did they not check CCTV footage and take dna samples? They mentioned nothing about doing an actual investigation for this case 😕

  2. Last time I heard of anyone in a situation that involved killing someone over owing someone 700$, guns, and home invasion is when I was using hard drugs everyday with hardcore criminals in a run down drug ridden blue collar town. Everything else aside if it is how he says it is which I highly doubt he's painting himself as a really shady person. Cause idk but someone that young being owed 700$ and owning two guns and the people that owe him are so unstable and reckless that they'd pull something like this makes him look like a drug dealer. Which I highly doubt. But thats the picture he's painting whether he means to or not

  3. i know A LOT of people think the bf did it but why would he be getting her help and saving her life in that short window of time she had to be saved? if he wanted to kill her, he could of left her there to die.. or took here and left her where no one could find her

  4. If that ain’t young, dumb, and stupid! Then idk what is! Failed polygraph test, he left right before the attack, and he spewing bs saying “innocent ppl don’t need lawyers” 😂😂😂 yes they do dumbass!

  5. Evelyn seems like that girl who is very VERY VERY EASY to manipulate.

    I could manipulate her in a week to do annything . I mean not only me, any adult could do that! Seriously

    Why her boyfriend always "half cry-half angry" all the time anyway If you ever studied human behaviorial studies, you will assume that this guy show guilt

  6. She know he did it they probably got into argument before he even tried to kill her I think she's going through a lot of childhood drama and that's probably the only dude that she can actually trust and actually was interested in her and her flaws

  7. Old video…but since it happened in my former hometown, I thought I'd add a comment to say this. Retribution attacks are common between gangs and persons who they think have crossed them. Don't know who did it, but it is EASY to believe that she was attacked for him owing a gang member several hundred dollars. It is all her business anyway.

  8. She is covering for him. Love is crazy. He INTENDED to kill her. She remembers EVERYTHING ELSE about her past EXCEPT for the shooting. That boy is guilty. Instead they will both harbor their nasty little secret and argue about it in private repetitively for the rest of their lives. She should have stayed with the man who ACTUALLY loves her. HER DAD. She will hate herself later in life when she grows up.

  9. She must be the most dumbest girl. He failed a lie detector. He was there and "found her" and theres no reason why she would be shot for money he owed. Crazy girl. She'll regretting putting her dad last after raising and supporting her all these years. This makes me mad

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