A belligerent man gets arrested for causing a disturbance at a Burger King. A man gets caught hanging out with an alleged prostitute. An angry elderly woman calls the cops on kids playing basketball. Police find meth and other drugs in a man’s car during a traffic stop.
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well you see sometimes these people do these such outrageous things
& sometimes they do these things for nothing & irrationally
The cops had it their way
Guy needs to go back to the casino.
Nasty old bag
Typical Yankee yenta B!TCH infesting Florida and trying to make everyone as miserable as she is.
The dude at Burger King took the slogan "Have it your way." to a whole new level.
I like how the cop handled the situation with the kids and older woman. She is retired and has nothing better to do than to complain. I know people like this.
The kids weren't doing anything wrong but she kept complaining that they were on her property because apparently the street is hers.
The kids were being kids and the cops realized that and even acknowledged that he was happy they were playing basketball instead of causing trouble.
That lady really needs a hobby
Hopper: Where's my F$%^ing food?!
Being hungry does make you irratble and upset so I understand this guy.
Is Burger King drunkie wearing a denim clown suit circa 1977? Just needs a giant flower on the lapel that squirts Mad Dog.
10:26 She needs to find something else to do besides staring out the windows and complaining about the r. She is just a nasty old lady who I’ll bet no one on that street likes her. Officer Smith was awesome with those kids!!
Im the one who punched the drunk burger king guy before the cops showed up. He yelled at me about his phone so i stiff jabbed in the head an cut his head open. Im just kidding that would be a mean little stinky winky parrot toung hanky panky………
He should know, It takes two hands to handle the whopper, the two fisted burger from burger king. I love whoppers!
It's so sad that man has been addicted to meth since he was 12. How could a kid be involved in drugs at a young age that's scary 😢
Burger Kings are toilets and the schleps who work there are the pits.
Shout out to 12:45sec
Good old booze always does the job.
I'm always looking pretty if that's what you're trying to insinuate 😂
yikes, Matthew Mcconaughey didn't age well lol
cette mamie, j'ai comme l'impression qu'elle est un peu aigrie, les enfants s'amusent et ne font aucun mal!!!!.
I think that's a Suicidal Tendencies song. All he wanted was his phone, all he wanted was his phone, but she wouldn't give it to me!
"have it your way" was not on the menu
I guess that old grumpy lady was born as an adult and from the sounds of it doesn’t have kids or grandkids. She needs to leave those kids alone. Oh, and I don’t buy it for a second that she didn’t cuss at the kids. Of course she did.
Pink Print
They c**k blocked that poor disabled guy 😢😂
Dude wouldn't have had that problem…. He should have just put on the free burger king crown….