‘What’d You Drop?’: Police Take Down Fleeing Drug Dealer (COPS)

‘What’d You Drop?’: Police Take Down Fleeing Drug Dealer (COPS)

Undercover cops chase a drug dealer after he attempts to run away. Plus, a man gets caught numerous times attempting to steal change from a Vegas fountain.

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27 thoughts on “‘What’d You Drop?’: Police Take Down Fleeing Drug Dealer (COPS)

  1. "I refuse to ask for money. I got pride" (so I just steal it instead)

    "All that work for nothin". Stealing money out of a fountain isn't WORK, dude! Get a job and actually work for it like the rest of us do…

  2. This channel appears to consist of little more than a collection of staged events, in which the acting is laughable. Hardly any of the videos seem to be genuine real life incidents.

  3. Come on guys maybe he was hungry or some thing maybe you didn’t eat or have anything to drink. It’s not like those big casinos is going to miss that change I mean yes it’s on their property but is he really stealing it? It’s in a fountain. The most I could see is trespress. And I’m really asking a question do y’all consider that stealing and why?

  4. I actually feel kinda bad for the fountain guy. It’s just some spare change. Let’s see, locking him up will get him 3 meals a day plus free medical and also room and board. I think that will cost the public a helluva lot more than a handful of change.🙄

  5. Fountain guy should cross into Mexico, walk back in, & get a new wardrobe, shelter, food, medical care, smartphone, cash & bus/plane ticket to his destination of choice. 🤑

  6. The fountain guy was honest. Once money has been thrown in a fountain it belongs to the owners of the fountain. Does the casino need that change? I think that guy needs it more. I would just let him have it.

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