What Happened To John Spira? – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

What Happened To John Spira? – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

John Spira (nicknamed Chicago Johnny), the lead guitarist in the band The Rabble Rouser, went missing in 2007. His sister Stephanie McNeil suspected that John’s wife Suzanne Spira knew something about what happened to him. They decided to split after 15 years together but were living in the same house during the divorce. John had a girlfriend during the breakup. Suzanne died in 2016.

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17 thoughts on “What Happened To John Spira? – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. I still believe to this day that his business partner and his ex wife were involved in his disappearance . The suspicious fire at his company was done to cover up evidence. They didi it and got away with it. Ihope justice is revealed quickly.

  2. First video stated he was happy for FINALLY settled and agreed now divorce going through. Now my question is if he disappears but their not divorced yet, does she still benefit with his business money etc?

  3. Who would gain from Johns murder? His business partner and his ex-wife would both gain financially if John was gone and they just happen to be spending time together.

  4. Crime Watch Daily should rename their channel “World’s Dumbest Criminals”. I can’t believe how colossally stupid all the criminals on these little clips/stories are

  5. did the interviewer really ask the cop that about finger prints? douche. why is the camera always on him just nodding his head while others are talking. unbearable little shit head.

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