What Happened to Crystal Pifer? (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

What Happened to Crystal Pifer? (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

A woman and her boyfriend get into a fight so intense she would jump off his boat. Now police are wondering if that argument escalated into something else – murder.

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23 thoughts on “What Happened to Crystal Pifer? (Part 3) – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. There are millions of like-wise murderers.
    Girl choose loser guy
    Loser guy abuses her but she keeps going back for more.
    He kills her
    Always the same cowards that find girls like these that try to redeem them. They are all the same

  2. Why is no one asking the simple question of all the video tapes of people saying something's going to happen to this couple tonight of them getting kicked out the restaurant everyone knowing around and that's something was going on the two not one calls especially the 911 call when she was swimming back to the boat and the guy with the disabled daughter called 911 dispatched to them right then and there everyone else is talking about all these other things great but what about that honestly this is a failed thing with the 911 or someone going to help her that is their job and everyone around that dock knew something was going to happen from them getting kicked out of the restaurant from people hearing them arguing before they got on the boat and someone took a video and they said something's going to happen here something's going to happen here so many people knew and then the police still didn't come after the 911 operator was called twice are you kidding me wow they should have went out there just to make sure I don't care there is no excuse they knew this woman was scared for her life no woman just jumps off a boat in the middle of the night and swims in the dark to another stranger's boat for no apparent reason twice okay everyone around that area knew something bad was going to happen and then when the call was finally made they never came what do you know her body was found floating the next day this is a huge failure to the people that are taking oath to protect and serve the public they knew this one was scared for her life they could hear it in the background they knew it the guy even said he's hitting her he's hitting her and no one came not one person came from the operator to the dispatch not one until they found her body the next day I'm confused as to why no one is talking about that in regard yes that is a huge failure and it could have saved this woman's life that man tried to call 911 for her but no one came no one came it's unbelievable to me unbelievable despicable if I was the family I'd be suing just doesn't happen again it's negligence it's horrific so many people are on that dock new that something bad was going to happen they even said it on the video of the people taking the video after they got kicked out of the restaurant they said it on the video something bad's going to happen here something bad's going to happen here they didn't call okay but the person that did call no one came

  3. He played the nice kind caring loving boyfriend in front of her family and was beating her behind closed doors. The judge should’ve gave her father and brother 10 minutes alone with him.

  4. Hard to believe that this young beautiful woman fell for a guy looking like that in the first place. She could have easily found soneone who fitted to her and treated her in good way. Such a sad story.

  5. My heart goes out to Chrystal's family so very much. Her abuser should rot in jail. Now, Chrystal's parents, brother and son's life will never be the same. So sad. RIP Crystal. I am so sorry this happened to you bc of that piece of sh*t.

  6. This POS is definitely an inbred…..not all his dogs are barking!
    Sadly when you involve yourself with “unhinged” people ….bad things usually happen.
    Rest In Peace Crystal, you should have stayed on the boat with the other guy and his daughter 💔😢🙏

  7. her poor parents 😞 you can see the grief all over them still. i feel like when a parent loses a child, they just have this looming sadness that is always there emotionally and physically. breaks my heart.

  8. I know what it is like to go back to your abuser to save a child from being hurt. My ex beat me an tried to pull me down a flight if stairs I was at our friends home an they had a new born baby. He called an said if I didn't come out an go with him he was going to come in guns an all an shoot everyone in the home including the baby. Well I seen him pull up an holding a.gun. 911 had already bene called but they left an wasn't around before they coudk get there he would be in the home. I ended up going with him to keep everyone else safe. My thought process was I came to their home an brought the mess there. Even tho when I had left my home me an my ex was fine. He hated me going over there tho. They are the ones that jumped in to protect me an so did their neighbor. The girl pulled me inside as the 2 makes grabbed shim an got him to let go of my hair. I felt so bad for coming over there an that happening. Even tho they called a ton of friends an they all showed up to protect me the 1st 2 days that I was there after he tried to pull me down the stairs. I didn't want anyone to get shot tho. I rather it be me then anyone else. I ended up leaving. He pistol whipped me for a while. I finally got away from him. He even beat me in his mom's home his mom an brother didn't do anything but take uo for then an tried to make it look like I was the crazy one even having me out into a mental health place saying I tried to kill myself. When I left there tho they would not allow him to get me. He got mad. He finally got locked up for trafficking drugs. They got him one day while he was looking for me. He threw me uo against the wall while I was 8 months pregnant. He did 5yrs got our an started looking for me again even tho part of his parole was for him to stay away from me. I had called 911 so many times. They had a open warrant for him when they locked him uo for trafficking. He even tried to rape me an I didn't think the cops would listen to me on that I finally called them after a friend if mine was there with me an begged me to. They came out and put a warrant out for him. He burned down my aunt's home where I was at. She had just had a baby an was in the hospital an was coming home the next day. My uncle an aunt had me come there to get away thinking he would not find me. He followed me there. Ppl ask all the time why did you go back. Well I went back to protect others. I went back to keep me safer. He would of killed me if I didn't go back an he would of died going after me. We go back to be safe it's safer for us to be there with them then leave because they will do every thing they can to get to you. Also others having others help us is nice but we also feel bad for putting them in the middle of it. Some abusers want fight guys but some will. Mine would. He pulled guns on them as well for a guy getting in the middle of it out in parking lots. May this beautiful girl rest in peace. Karma will get to this guy. My abuser is now married to my cousin's ex wife an they have kids together. At 1st my family invited them over for holidays. My grandparents never new what he did to me. So they just thought we broke up. Sense she was the mother to ym cousin's daughter they wanted her to come an bring her little girl. Once I finally told them what happened they stop inviting them over. Which he would still tell his wife they was coming over. He always wanted to know who I was with an even tried to threaten my son's dad. But that turned ugly for him.. I had to tell her to never come over an never to bring him again. When I todm him I was no longer scared of him an I had my own protection and I had 2 kids now that he woudk die beofre getting into my home. He stopped messing with me. He lives about ,20 moan from me. Because the house my mom left me when she passed is right around the corner from her home that they decided to move into just 3 years ago. But the schools are on alert an my kids are now 13 and 15? It's been that long sense we have been together. He had not let it go. I do all the family holiday cooking an he knows he can not step foot on my land or he goes to jail. Thankfully. Plz ladies watch for the 1st red flags. Anger is number 1 jealous is number 2 watch for those things to happen an walk away. Walk fast. It's always there within couple months if dating. It don't come out when y'all get married. It's there while y'all are dating. Plz open your eyes. Gaurd yourself. They say abusers are in sheep clothing that's not true warning signs are there. You just got to believe they are warning signs an not think how it's cute an that he loves you so much.

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