What happened to Bethany Markowski? Girl remains missing after reported mall disappearance (3/3)

What happened to Bethany Markowski? Girl remains missing after reported mall disappearance (3/3)

When Jonnie Carter started seeing Larry Markowski, she didn’t realize he was still living with his wife. Jonnie and Larry eventually got together and had a little girl named Bethany, but after Larry allegedly became abusive, the two split. Following their break-up, Bethany went missing, and Jonnie remained convinced that Bethany’s dad had some role in her disappearance. Jason Mattera has the story.

Bethany Markowski podcast: http://searchingforghosts.libsyn.com/
Bethany Markowski Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/searchingforghosts/
Bethany Markowski Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/searchingforghosts/?hl=en

Full story: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2018/05/18/what-happened-to-bethany-markowski-girl-remains-missing-after-reported-mall-disappearance/

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45 thoughts on “What happened to Bethany Markowski? Girl remains missing after reported mall disappearance (3/3)

  1. Could you imagine being a grieving father who was blamed for his daughter’s disappearance & no matter what you say people don’t believe you anyways? I do believe innocent until proven otherwise although the story of sleeping in his van whilst his 11 yr-old was in the mall seems strange in my opinion so does not doing everything in your power to look for her until the day you die or find her also my opinion.

    I do know one thing though, that girl is no longer alive & most likely wasn’t from the day she went missing.

  2. I know his exwife he physically and mentally abused her! I seen her with black eyes, bruises all over. The two little kids that she referred to in one of the earlier podcast was my friend and Marks two kids. She was terrified of him! I wonder if this woman living with him is terrified of him!!!!

  3. I know this was just 5 years ago… i think and remember just my personal opinion here.. i think dad's innocent but moms guilty. This conclusion comes after 1 year of hearing this case from the first time. She didn't have a car, she did have a car where was she suppressed to be during the mall time? I heard she did have a vehicle and at some point she abandoned it in the same area dadd was waiting for Bethy😢 i just.. don't know the more i listen the less make sense. I think she really needs to be investigated😢

  4. I'm so sad for all parents who cops, lawyers and fbi tell them DONT talk to the media/tv/ don't go on searches etc in case the child/adult phones or comes home, it makes the parents look guilty when in fact they're not. Hoping that they get closure one day.

  5. Hopefully Bethany will be found after all those years. The father looks genuine to me…… he's the first "suspect" who tells his story on camera without saying "call my lawyer for answers". He did great!

    He can't be the killer, right?

  6. This is just one of those cases where I really can’t tell who the “bad guy” is. At first before actually seeing him speak I was sure it must have been the father. However, after seeing his interview I’m not so sure anymore. He may have been an abusive asshole, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love his kid. Maybe a stranger really did take her. I hope she’s found alive.

  7. idk the dad seems more believable to me, he didn't back away nor give the gestures of he was lying or avoiding the questions. Mom seemed believable also I honestly believe it's a family member hiding her or has done something to her. After all these years SOMETHING just SOMETHING comes up. There is more to the story than we have been told i belive but i may be wrong, but I feel the girl is gone, and one day the family member will fess up to it.

  8. mother and father both are still feeling their differences they should work together for seak of their daughter many times people do this kind of mistakes and third-person take the advantage or we can say crinal does their work and stay freely enjoying their lif>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  9. I believe both of the stories I think she was abducted by a stranger I believe if she was still alive she would have gotten ahold of her family somehow or another by now 28 years old I'm sure she would have got all of her family by the time she was a teenager I'm sure she would have gotten hold of her family I would probably say that she's probably not alive anymore there's lots of guys going to have your kids at the mall or someplace like that you're not going to be right directly with them you should put some kind of a tracker on them that you can keep track of them on your cell phone or something that way if they get lost or somebody tries to take them you can follow him to wherever they go kids disappear in malls all the time predators hang out in them damn places just waiting for kids that ain't got an adult around them so they can take them

  10. Mmm🤔…The father and the mother were in a custody battle. Bethany was with her dad at that time..The father saying he was parked at the mall sleeping for 2 hours while letting 11 year old Bethany alone inside the mall.There was no video surveillance of her going in or out of the mall. So seem sketchy to me..The father also told one of his friends that he wanted to take Bethany to Mexico and leave the country but the father denied it….So there is more to this story and the father is not letting on….

  11. I don’t feel any ill intent from the mom or dad. I can feel the mamas hurt. And the dad is handling it as well as he can….I’m leaning more towards child arc trafficking. A man seen Bethany in the mall alone and abducted her.

  12. I think the mother looks just like the picture to me I really do it looks like her mother in. I don't know I think the mother has something to do with it I really do that drawing of a woman that tried to enroll her in school

  13. The south is the WORST (just by observation) in investigation. I don't mean to make assumptions, but they seem to be to stupid to complete a competent investigation. I'm so glad to live where I do.

  14. in my opinion i believe the father hasn't got anything to do witdothe disappearance due to the fact he didn't, refuse to go back in and wasnt hesitant at anythig he said

  15. How can people think its the mother?? That's crazy. She was NOT the last person to see her daughter..She was in the fathers care b4 she disappeared.

  16. I couldn't help but start wondering if perhaps the mom had a domestic violence advocate type group go "underground" with her…. But then again why wouldn't she have surfaced back up by now?

  17. I believe the father..the mother has issues with her personality and it seems she's ommiting words from her story. Now the authorities have kept this guy under investigation for decades and he's had to put up with persecution by fellow workers and others in the community..i find it odd the TBI doesn't look at a kidnapping situation here..probably too late to look for anyone now..way to go LE.

  18. Watson, fetch me my pipe! Going off all the ppl that got the feeling the dad was being honest and it was actually the mom that did it I think it's safe to say, this is why crime goes unsolved

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