‘We Were Cut Off’: Ruby Franke’s Sisters Break Silence on Child Abuse Allegations

‘We Were Cut Off’: Ruby Franke’s Sisters Break Silence on Child Abuse Allegations

YouTube mom Ruby Franke was arrested and charged with six counts of aggravated child abuse after her 12-year-old son escaped from her business partner’s home after allegedly being starved and held captive with duct tape. Franke’s sisters, who also have YouTube channels, are breaking their silence on the allegations pitted against their sibling. The Law&Crime Network’s Angenette Levy breaks it down.

Angenette Levy: https://twitter.com/Angenette5

#RubyFranke #YouTubeMom #LawAndCrime

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43 thoughts on “‘We Were Cut Off’: Ruby Franke’s Sisters Break Silence on Child Abuse Allegations

  1. So NOW everyone speaks about their concerns and knowing something was going on. Yet did NOTHING to help the children. The father ESPECIALLY. How did he NOT know? Did he not see his children? Even after he moved out, his son never said anything to him about it? I dont believe that at all. And the neighbor was brought to tears just seeing the child. So yeah I am not buying the dads ignorance.

  2. There’s something to be said about “religious” MagaQ types especially after viewing so many such cases … the evolutionary process for all the world to see right here on YouTube

  3. And I’m sorry, but Kevin Frankie is just as guilty. There’s so many videos you made your child pay for his own homework something that he needed to succeed. You made your child sleep on the phone for seven months I’m sorry for being there is not sufficient is the same as the floor not just that the bedroom was the horrible. You left your child right now in a room that was flooded and moldy his bed was wet. he also took football away from his child because he was in during the Mormon. God said I’m sorry, but this just gives me more of a reason to be like no screw that Mormon church because I’m tired of hearing about all the stuff that happens and it just like the Catholic Church so much corruption

  4. It’s funny how Ruby Frank’s sisters have so much to say about not knowing things
    But there are videos with their son, Rubys nephews “” who were eating a bite of a banana as their meal and you need to tell me that Sister’s new nothing they had no problem selling their children there

  5. Sounds like Ruby's family is gaslighting the public into not wondering what Ruby's family did to create a monster like Ruby. They even deflect blame onto Kevin even though no one is even blaming them. Sounds like their guilty conscience.

  6. All these relatives are more concerned with their social media reputations than they are about those kids. The only person I've heard care about those kids is the guy that placed the 911 call and he didn't even know them. He wasn't saying "is not my fault" "don't blame me", his heart was breaking fire the boy on his porch. "It's not my fault", "my sister is weird", "it's my brother in law you should be mad at"…blah blah blah. People who care are more likely to say "I wish I'd known", "I regret not pressing my sister about where her kids were when she was at my house" and "We love you Russell and Eve and we want you to understand you didn't deserve what happened to you."

  7. Its even more disturbing when you realize that it was Hildebrandt neighbour that called 911 and during the call mentioned there had been previous concerns about the family… they had only been at Jodi's a relatively short time!

  8. Sounds like Meghan Markle-if you don't like your family, just cut them off. Don't like your spouse's family, cut them out. Typical narcissistic behavior.

  9. love how her fam , is throwing her . under the bus…………………….wow,,,,,this cult is sad !!!!!!!!!! all worried about their own self reputation ?????? super sick

  10. I feel bad for the kids and I hope that justice is served to Ruby and Jodi. I screamed what when I heard from Ruby about not letting her kids eat breakfast because they weren't doing their chores. How dare the mom do that. There are other ways to do that. But not punish them with no breakfast. With the father Kevin, I don't fully side with him. But I am open to see what has happened with the trial.

  11. And those children should never go back to any one of those 3 people.
    And there should be someone overlooking them wherever they are at for their own protection in case they come back into their lives. Or in case others were pulled into this that haven't been shown yet

  12. The sisters seem more concerned about their channels than the children. I hope they don't profit from this situation. Most family vloggers have a huge creep factor to me.

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