Letecia Stauch is accused of fatally attacking her stepson Gannon Stauch, 11, in his bedroom in January 2020, in El Paso County, Colorado. Authorities claimed to find blood on a mattress, walls and floors, as well as in Stauch’s Volkswagen Tiguan SUV. Read more on this case: https://lawandcrime.com/crime/the-week-ahead-doomsday-cult-killer-an-angry-boyfriend-and-a-stepmom-stabber/
#leteciastauch #gannonstauch #lawandcrime
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How did detective Bethel not know what the DSM 5 is?? Even I know what that is and read parts out of curiosity lol
They should have used a police van with a cage, they put themselves in that situation! Also unless the van is flashing blue lights then they should not have been going 75 miles an hour!
One of the defense attorneys talks through his nose. Drives me crazy.
I hope everytime this evil thing closes her evil eyes she sees that precious sweet boy she took way way to early..everytime she even blinked she seen his sweet smile
manipulative, deceitful, conniving, amoral, unscrupulous, unconscionably evil. Oh man, gonna catch a lotta fish with this net. 'cause I'm a ladies man, woah woah.
Grrrrrrrrrr….I'm sure sweet Gannon "just wanted to breath, too! 😢
Damn, her attys are so discouraged…..they have a look of pure defeat watching that video of her in the van 😂
Did she say that she wrapped his burns in "garnish"?
Really patient officers
The defense and the defendant thought this was funny. It just showed what a Monster T is. And nothing was at all funny about this. Evil. doesn’t equal insane. It just equals pure evil..
"I just want to breathe." Yeah so did Gannon 😢
It looks like she's flipping off the guy on the stand 4 hours and 48 mins into the day crazy how rude she could be this is about Gannon she's very evil!!!!!
police are trained poorly when in it comes to handling situations like the car accident
Leticia spent most of her time in court hiding her face and appearing to cover her ears at points. Yet when detective Bell testified she was very much looking at her and VERY animated ….playing with hand motions…trying to appear as if she was stretching her hand….then out flies her middle finger on MANY occasions! Her own attorney even noticed her doing it at one point. He continued to try to keep eyes on her (apparently at times not letting her know he was watching her) She totally dislikes detective Bell and makes that very well know throughout. Who would possibly think they could get away with flipping the bird…let alone in a courtroom full of cameras?! Oh wait…letecia because everyone knows she’s not trying to deceive anyone wink 😉wink 😮
Just accidently meowed at 7:10:55
If the person named dwayne Harris who commented at 11:45 in the original live chat ever sees this, it wasn't Casey Anthony that did the handstand, that was Jodi Arias.
6.38.40 Video frozen till 6.44.07
I wish we had a clearer view of LS. I would like to see what face she was making when her brother, daughter, or Al testified. My view is blurry.
Jessica Bethel is a saint. 😅 That is all I'm saying. She kept her cool and that had to be very difficult.
I take lorazapam everyday, I have been taken it 70 days in a row. I only take it when I have an anxiety attack. I haven't taken it in a few days. Literally all within 10 seconds. She can't even keep her lies straight for that long. Also, thats not how panic attacks work 😐
What gun did she used?
She is three in one Casy Anthony, Lori vallow and jodie aries
If you're talking, you're breathing.
Do you know what's really scary about this day in her trial? Watching her sneak attack on the deputy gives you a very good idea about how she carried out that attack on poor gannon. He probably didn't see her coming either. It's terrifying and heartbreaking to imagine what that poor little boy experienced at the hands of this monster😢
Btt that gannon was allso sick boy😢
I think MS ADA likes Mr CSI cutie.
My heart goes out to this man he has had to go through what I prayed all my life that I would never have to face. Burying a child is unthinkable but under these circumstances I would have either lost my mind or killed my wife the minute I realized what she had done and it would have been a horrible. I can’t believe living with this woman any amount of time that a person would see her true colors, of course I’m sure no one would think see would kill this man’s child. I find it really sad that this man sought custody and won, then allowed this woman to take them for long periods of time because she hated Alaska. I would have allowed her to live anywhere she wanted but my children would have stayed with me. She denied those children of both of their parents and God knows what she put them through when she wasn’t getting what she wanted.
7:52:32 im Super disturbed by how enthralled she seems with the blood stains.. really creepy. Like she's surveying her handiwork 😒
Shes super interested in seeing the blood splatter around 7:16:31
If this judge wakes up one day and decides he doesn't want to be a judge anymore, he could have a very successful career in radio. His voice is 🤌
Very definite
Omg she more crazy then I thought but she new what she was doing she trying to do a defense of being crazy that what think
You know what is sick, I bet the monster in her head thinks Gannon ruined her life even tho she is the one that killed him. She really is the constant victim.