WATCH LIVE: Stepmom Murder Trial — CO v. Letecia Stauch — Day 16

WATCH LIVE: Stepmom Murder Trial — CO v. Letecia Stauch — Day 16

Letecia Stauch is accused of fatally attacking her stepson Gannon Stauch, 11, in his bedroom in January 2020, in El Paso County, Colorado. Authorities claimed to find blood on a mattress, walls and floors, as well as in Stauch’s Volkswagen Tiguan SUV. Read more on this case:

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42 thoughts on “WATCH LIVE: Stepmom Murder Trial — CO v. Letecia Stauch — Day 16

  1. The jury has to see this is all made up to not go to prison. If I were Al it’d be SO difficult to listen to all of this BS.. and the childish voice she used in the interview.. w no southern accent! Ughhh

  2. I can't believe she's allowed to sit in court all hunched over like that, basically laying on the table. Her lawyers look so dejected, like they are OVER her.

  3. Wonder if she murdered poor Gannon thinking it would bring her and Al closer. And she was jealous of Gannon. And Gannon was a Mama’s boy. 💔💔. She’s like Chris watts. Neither thought it would blow up like this. She didn’t care. No one else would Or so she thought

  4. Watch it without sound. She’s trying to convince them. Her body language shows it. If she was mentally ill. She’d be distraught over what she did. DID…😒. Yeah. She DID it!! Monster!!

  5. I wonder if she left Gannon and Lena alone. Gannon lit a candle. Something happened while she was gone. Gannon was hurt. She didn’t know what to do. Al said there were times she would come home whenever. She kept him home. Cuz of his burns. Poor Gannon was hurt. In pain. She drugged him. Did nothing. He threatened to tell his dad. Or wanted his mom or dad. She went after him. Had to stop him. Poor Gannon. He saw that face in the police transport van. How horrifying!! 😢💔💙🦋💙

  6. So WHAT she was abused sexually n called 911 on her moms husband for beating her n that led to his demotion n ultimately they were forced to live in a smaller home? Thats ridiculous. That doesn't warrent nor excuse wtf she did. This defense is a joke. Of course Aunt brenda was LARGELY corroprative. She even a sicker woman in my eyes after listening to all them jail calls.

  7. This narcissistic nut case did not just get this way! People like her start lying and telling stories like this when they are young! How in the world did anyone not see this woman’s constant laying and manipulation?! I wish someone would look up her teaching “doctorate” for real and prove that she bought that online too! No way she has a doctorate!

  8. I think she gave Ganon pain meds to make him sleepy and she started the fire hoping he would not be able to wake up.
    Then Ganon put out the fire and she knew if he went to get checked the meds would show in his system. Then she panicked and we all know what happened next. Then she took him upstairs and took him to the lake while the cops were there. Then went back and went to Florida with her daughter and dumped Ganon over the bridge.
    I hate her

  9. And now this monster gets to have 3 square meals a day, a hot shower, a warm bed, recreational time, free medical coverage and so on. She will never just simply say I’m sorry and be accountable. You don’t just flip and murder your child overnight. This little boy was in danger the minute she realized Albert would always love his children first and because he was away more than he was home allegedly he missed all the signs that he hooked up with and left his children in the care of a narcissist with a violent history.

  10. I love how LS is acting nuts in these interviews while at the same time she's talking to family members in jail calls & is 100% sane. Honestly, not sure why the state didn't play those calls. She's not delusional in those calls at all, no word salad, just calm, cool, composed, even happy. She was NEVER INSANE. She NEVER had DID. It was another lie she concocted with her lawyers bc there was no other option.

  11. Is she saying (Arch) Angel? lol smh they say she’s intelligent but honestly I haven’t seen evidence of that. She just an evil prolific liar.

  12. her explanation of her "Disorder" seems like a badly written episode of Doom Patrol… She Draw inspiration from Twilight when she spoke of Vampires why not Dissociative Identity Disorder From Jane in Doom Patrol … Seem more likely She is trying to take inspiration from many places to justify her horrendous act because God forbid she take ownership for her own Actions

  13. She looks embarrassed and ashamed because she kept her head down through just about the whole trial. She acts as well as she lies…horrible. As a stepmom to 2 boys from the time the youngest was 5…I never felt, thought or wanted to hurt them. They were a part of a man I love and respect. They boys are all grown up now and we have a better relationship than they do with there mom. But I never downed her and even watched her youngest son with her new husband for a weekend so they could have time. Her youngest son was not related to my husband but was my sons half brother, so for her to even claim to love this poor boy is shameful. Al deserves his son and a wife that will treat his children like their own. Hope she burns and is miserable for every breath she has left. She needs to start asking asking for forgiveness and make sure the ARCH angel for help…must be that PhD.

  14. If Dr. Lewis would have employed the same precision with her speech during her testimony, this trial would have been roughly 2 days shorter. Instead of just saying “yes,” “no” or “I don’t know” she would blather endlessly in a feeble attempt to either dismiss the question as irrelevant or maintain her perceived credibility despite her not knowing the answer to the question at hand.

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