WATCH LIVE: Stepmom Murder Trial — CO v. Letecia Stauch — Day 15

WATCH LIVE: Stepmom Murder Trial — CO v. Letecia Stauch — Day 15

Letecia Stauch is accused of fatally attacking her stepson Gannon Stauch, 11, in his bedroom in January 2020, in El Paso County, Colorado. Authorities claimed to find blood on a mattress, walls and floors, as well as in Stauch’s Volkswagen Tiguan SUV. Read more on this case:
#leteciastauch #gannonstauch #lawandcrime

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33 thoughts on “WATCH LIVE: Stepmom Murder Trial — CO v. Letecia Stauch — Day 15

  1. Pensacola, Fl is home for me, and the area that she left Gannon 😢 is a TOTALLY CALCULATED!! The area is a bridge that leads to a small city adjacent, less traveled, and very DARK at night. The hotel was veryyyyy close to that very the area 3 to 4.75 mins👀 away Especially at night. Totally thought out and Cruel!!!!

  2. Mr Cook. its very clear you have a strong ego. Nevertheless, you are not a trained clinical psychologist, no matter how much you researched DID. So, stop pretending you are smarter than the trained, licensed clinical psychologist. Ask your darned questions as if you dont know a darned thing. Because you don't.

  3. Amazing how ‘she’, the defendant, doesn’t look up during prosecution’s questioning, but is fully present when her lawyers speak; drinking water & head up to appear to be involved & participating. Very telling.

  4. This clock drawing test has become popular knowledge due to the tv series Hannibal.

    Id love to get a look at Leticias and see of they look like Will Grahams

  5. I can’t imagine how humiliating being on trail like this with everything about you being exposed! Probably why she has her head hung low. I hope she lives with regret. Gannon deserved so much more. He will never grow up, get married, or have a family of his own…

  6. She is such a lying manipulative evil sickening disgusting vile thing..i refuse to call her WOMAN..MOTHER''''''HUMAN.. the way talked about Al after the pretext calls wanting him to stay With his FAMILY

  7. Her defense attorneys are ridiculous all he done was stand there state his thoughts reads from the DSM5 which is hes saying just because she was SUPPOSEDLY molested ….as a child EVEN tho she grew up got married twice had Harley and her fake 15 yr old and had a normal life is narcissist wanted to be a Kardashian had all kinds of SUPPOSED fashion as she sd..then one day go off all because shes jealous of Landin and hates G kill a sweet precious little guy thats she supposedly LOVED..(WHICH IS BULL) and all her lawyers are saying its ok now becuase she was molested by her freaking step we will let her go shes had it tough cause that…hes insane and ridiculous all hes done is read from a DSM book says its psychiatrist BIBLE..hes insane..

  8. Anyone else notice how close she is to one of her attorneys? Its making me sick. She moves his coffee for him, gets way to close to laugh and giggle, and on Day 16 she seems to have her head down on him or way too close to him. Seems the other attorney notices at one point as well 😮

  9. Her education had NEVER been proven, if she got anything above a Bachelors that would be a stretch. There is no way she had a masters or doctorate in any THINK*..LOL..why come? We may never know. Her language is terrible, her writing is as equally bad….she lacks the intellect to teach. At best, she was a teachers aide .

  10. Any artists out there willing to make a little meme or small comic of a vampire named Jasper or Justice going door to door in Alaska. A second one of Letecia in prison pressing a button and the vamp Jasper appears, arms crossed, lets out a big sigh and says "What now?!"

  11. Soooo she said that people that hurt a child should be wiped off the face of the planet? Did I hear that right???
    Because if that’s the case, I say go with her recommendation for sentencing!!!

  12. Her non verbals are so telling, when Al is testifying she cowards and hides in the corner because she can’t fool him any longer, When any law enforcement is on the stand she glares at them and stares them down with disdain because they caught and apprehended her and when the forensic psychologists are on the stand she puts on the I’m crazy and aloof performance and the biggest act is for Dr.Lewis as she performs as the Russian spy. Lmao 😂 How pathetically asinine, please the only PHD she got was an online mail order certificate version. I would love to see her dissertation. Rest in peace Gannon.

  13. Boy o boy o boy!!! Look who couldn't google chareteristics for D.I.D.😮? Guess what Leticia again you faided at lieing again! By this time and after so many lies and failed attempts? I guess not only will Leticia Stauch be known as an evil wicked step- mother but also for being the worlds worst lier!And still we see no remorse! Tyank you for your channel ❤ Very informative.

  14. Notice how every time LS stops talking, she looks down, that's a soign that she is lying right there.. What's going through her mind is,are they buying this bullsht????

  15. Since day 1, I’ve believed she killed her stepdad. Amongst other reasons, she literally had a google search of “Leticia Stauch hit and run”. She hit her stepdad and drove off – I absolutely believe it. Im not sure if they didn’t look into it or they just couldn’t prove it was her, but when all this happened with Gannon, I think she was under the impression they’d reopen her stepdads case and that’s why she did that google search. I also believe she purposely OD’d her first husband Chance – which is why she told Harley a different story than what actually happened. She was getting her stories ready just like in the case with Gannon, only police didn’t really look into it so she got off the hook quickly and didn’t need the stories. And I think her getting away with both of those murders is why she felt so bold to do what she did to Gannon – in his own house – and then seemed legitimately surprised when no one believed her. I believe Gannon was her 3rd kill.

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