“Disgraced lawyer Richard Merritt faces trial for allegedly killing his mother on the day he was supposed to report to prison for financial crimes in February 2019. Prosecutors allege Merritt brutally stabbed and beat 77-year-old Shirley Merritt to death after she cooked him his last meal — leaving plates on the table and pots on the stove. Richard was arrested and charged when US Marshals caught him eight months later in Tennessee living under an alias.”
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To beat and stab her is pure hatred. Truly disgusting
The cross examination was brilliant, he lie's throughout his testimony. He only cared about himself. Jury has to find him quilty.
So, they brought guns, but put those up and found other weapons. I can’t even listen to this. So cringe.
Props to Det Winslow who had more respect and reverence for Shirley than her own son, but then again he’s a murderer
Does anyone know if there was a pre•trial motion granted or an ongoing overruled objection to be able to use statements his mother (supposedly) said that are an exception to the hearsay rule?!
I'm super behind sorry in advance!
Dude has to throw in as absolute much as possible something pertaining to him being either a lawyer in life OR when he was in law school such as "when did y'all get married" answer: "I graduated law school in 99' and we married a week later" AND "what type of lifestyle were y'all living" answer: "blah blah blah going to neighborhood cookout or going to some type of lawyer event" it's non stop!
Why doesn't the cross ask how he got away from two guys with guns or try to defend his mother? It is driving me mad!!
He is a vile criminal stealing huge amounts of money from innocent victims and shows contempt for the victims and no concern for anyone but himself and tries to make out he is a hero for caring for his daghter and family while throwing money around and living a life of luxury. I was in a fury when he said two strangers came to his mother's door with guns and then slaughtered his poor mother and hey no he didn't get shot or have a scratch on this monster, what bs, he slaughtered his mother, didn't call the police but cut of his ankle monitor, took his poor tortured mother's car and leaves her to rot, he buys water, snacks and gas and drives off again. I am going back to the cross but had to rant; I am so disgusted by this vile, deceitful narcissistic scum. Xx
Mr. Merritt refers to his deceased mother as “the body”. He refers to the alleged murderers of his mother as “gentlemen”. He never attributes statements to the individual murderers, only that “*they* said ‘Don’t tell anyone or else’“. He doesn’t shed a tear or show any emotion during his testimony other than annoyance with the prosecutor during cross examination. He refers to his stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from his elderly clients as “when things went south”. How he thought that his testimony would convince the jury of his innocence completely escapes me!
I highly recommend increasing the playback speed to 1.50 during the medical examiner’s testimony – it makes his constant “umms” much more tolerable. You won’t miss anything because he speaks so slowly.
what was the purpose of these murderers to kill your mother, would have been one of my questions to him, then the next would have been why do you think the murderers let you go after witnessing what they did to your mother? so many questions that could have led him without him knowing it tell on himself..
The prosecution sucked at cross-examining this guy! She missed so many opportunities to point out conflicting statements he made in his own testimony. And the thing that stood out to me the most, was when he described (on direct exam) what he did immediately after these “gentleman” (as he calls them) left the house. He did several things. But the one thing he did NOT do was go straight to his mother to try to render aid, or at the very LEAST, to hold her hand or something, to say goodbye or that he loved her. Like a normal son would do after seeing his mother murdered.
The prosecution should have pointed that out to the jury. She also should’ve pointed out that he kept referring to the murderers as GENTLEMEN. Luckily the jury was smart enough to see through him, but NO THANKS to the prosecution.
5:17:45 QUOTE: “The GENTLEMAN who pushed her down the stairs”.
It’s interesting that immediately before that, he says, “the GUY who had a gun to MY back”. But then he refers to the guy who’s assaulting/killing his elderly MOTHER, as a GENTLEMAN. It’s proof he’s lying, because if that really happened, no one would refer to their mother’s assailant as a “gentleman”. But it’s also very revealing of his mindset, since HE’S the one who assaulted and killed his mother. He’s telling us that he considers himself a gentleman, despite having brutally murdered his own mother.
You know, just watching the court officers attending during all these court hearings, arguments, & attempts by various attorneys to have certain evidence admitted or denied entry, I wonder how much they learn. I bet a lot!..gotta appreciate those dudes!
Face in the floor looking up? Is your face on the back of your head?
Why didn’t you just report?
Behavior panel do a episode on him
And not one iota of emotion.
You are lieing out of your teeth
How does “gun welding” person turn into a knife fight? Mind ya mom wasn’t shot
Man, this ME with all the Uh. And ums starting to drive me nuts
2:22:46 – The letter that defense all of a sudden tries to introduce in evidence is a JOKE!
Man… what a bunch of amateur lawyers this defendant has. Or maybe they are just too lazy to do some real effort to come with a more realistic defense.
So they swore him in then he proceeded to lie about everything.
The uh and ums are driving me crazy 🤪
It is fair to say that this prosecutor did NOTHING on her cross examination of the defendant other than once again prove or at least got him to admit that he is a cheater and a liar.
Somehow I must have missed part. No detective? No talk about crime and why son suspect. There is no way he was at home and 2 bad guys came in do him no harm but push elderly woman down stairs, stab her, leave blade in and drops a 35 lb dumbbell on her.
Girl your veneers are hissing please stop my ears are bleeding..
This guy’s story makes as much sense as a Christmas tree in July.
Loser 😒 lier 🤥 lie some more ✊🤬
On a lighter note, If I had a dollar for every time the Medical Examiner said, “Umm” I could pay off student loans lol
Love how he glossed over the house he and his wife owned with dodgy evasions like “it was gone” and how his wife “wanted to rent” without explaining why he let the mortgage lapse for 6 months until it would foreclose and how he lied to his wife about making repayments. This is a guy fighting to not be seen as a vile murderer of his mother, but he can’t even be honest about his previous lies and manipulations. He even glossed over his previous crime as if he was surprised by the extent of all the things of which he was accused. Pathetic. He can’t even be honest about that, and he surely isn’t honest about the way his mom died.
I'm not impressed with this prosecutor. We know he's a liar. It's clear he lies like he blinks. Just because someone is a liar, that doesn't make them a murderer. I wish she'd point out how unnatural and unbelievable his behavior was if he really believed his life was in danger. I'm also appalled this defense team allowed him to get up there on the stand and give that absurd, tissue paper thin, ridiculous story.
The main thing I have observed from the prosecution is that she is good at presenting the information she has prepared, but she struggles thinking on the fly. She never seems to bring forth a good argument to counter objections and she seemed unprepared to poke holes in the defendants crap spun by the defendant when he took the stand. Good thing his story is so unbelievable.
I’m sorry but the prosecutor is so annoying! Okay, okay, okay, alright, okay okay 😭
THIS loser ball. omg. the nerve. rip mom
I wonder what kind of demands the "killers" would have sent to a dead woman's phone…..