WATCH LIVE: Lawyer Accused of Mom’s Murder Trial – GA v. Richard Merritt – Day One

WATCH LIVE: Lawyer Accused of Mom’s Murder Trial – GA v. Richard Merritt – Day One

“Disgraced lawyer Richard Merritt faces trial for allegedly killing his mother on the day he was supposed to report to prison for financial crimes in February 2019. Prosecutors allege Merritt brutally stabbed and beat 77-year-old Shirley Merritt to death after she cooked him his last meal — leaving plates on the table and pots on the stove. Richard was arrested and charged when US Marshals caught him eight months later in Tennessee living under an alias.”
#RichardMerritt #DisgracedLawyerTrial #LawandCrime


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41 thoughts on “WATCH LIVE: Lawyer Accused of Mom’s Murder Trial – GA v. Richard Merritt – Day One

  1. I believe that the wife was not aware. but, I smh when spouses have no idea of what's coming in and out. This is an educated professional woman, she should have known he was a sleazeball. That said, I applaud her for divorcing him right away and helping the detectives. Way too often these spouses stand by their horrid mates. This guy is a total monster.

  2. There is a potential motive for the murder. She put up her house for his bond, He said he was going to run instead of turn himself in. She pointed out that she would lose her house and would report him because she was not prepared to lose her house. So he killed her to give himself some time to get away. He took her car so people did not see it sitting there day after day. He took her phone so he could answer people like work if they missed her. He is a self-described monster since that is how he labels whoever killed his mother.

  3. It's always mind blowing that these defendants do these acts on these not so random days! The one day out of his life that he has to turn himself to serve prison time "just happens" to be the day his mother home is robbed…that one day coincidentally happens to be the day the "murders" choose! It's just like a co•parenting couple, one parent happens to be murdered on the one day out of the year that they don't have the children the other parent does as if it's just a coincidence 🙄

  4. 46:30 “Basal bones!” 😂 Lol, there’s no such thing as basal bones. The ‘basal ganglia’ is a part of our brain (in the center) but there are no bones in there. I’m on the prosecution’s side, but I hate when attorneys say things that they don’t even know what they’re talking about.

  5. Just goes to show that even though you are living 20 plus years married to someone you are in complete darkness with until the light shines on them in the act…..busted!…..seeing is believing!especially here with this particular marriage between Richard and Janine wow!

  6. One thing that bugs me when watching trials. Both prosecution and defense attorneys start their first question okay, but almost every single question after the first one always begins with "And", until they are done.

  7. My heart breaks for Shirley’s surviving son and all her grandkids. This man is a monster and cold hearted killer. People “break in to his house and he watches them murder his mother” and he refers to them as gentlemen? What scum.

  8. So if I’m understanding this correctly… He’s using the same theory as the Murdaugh case defense? That somebody hated HIM so much that they murdered an innocent family member? Instead of murdering him? Be original, my dude. Come on.

  9. Being able to place the microphones on the right places and running some tests before the trial starts, should not be such a difficult task for a sound tehnician; but if so, time to get some better once! As long as the trial is public broadcasted, would be nice to be able to see and also listen it; not everybody can do lip reading:(

  10. Very bad sound and poorly placed witnesses. If you’re going to circulate trial online at least have a volume of sound we can hear and at least something other than court clerks & court equipment & furniture. Think I’ll try another channel…

  11. Very strong opening by the Defense. The woman opening for the Prosecution, has an annoying voice. She's gonna have to moderate herself. The defendant's story sounds nuts. It can't possibly be true.

  12. Not saying he’s guilty or not guilty.. but if he IS responsible for this heinous crime.. think about it: he wanted to avoid going to prison (naturally) and if he went on the run, he knew that his mom would be the one financially responsible because she is the one who placed the bond. 40,000 is a lot of money; however it’s not an issue if the person who would be responsible for paying for a violated bond isn’t alive anymore, right? Just a theory 👩🏼‍🏫

  13. This is very similar to the Murdaugh lawyer case. Motive here seems to be that he got into a rage with her that he was not going to go the jail, she protested and he killed her. There is no one else on this earth who would savagely murder this woman and let him survive to take a run to Tennesee from his incarceration that day! yes, timeline and common sense will convict him on all counts.

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