“Disgraced lawyer Richard Merritt faces trial for allegedly killing his mother on the day he was supposed to report to prison for financial crimes in February 2019. Prosecutors allege Merritt brutally stabbed and beat 77-year-old Shirley Merritt to death after she cooked him his last meal — leaving plates on the table and pots on the stove. Richard was arrested and charged when US Marshals caught him eight months later in Tennessee living under an alias.”
Read more on the case and get live updates: https://bit.ly/3MvuA1F
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The defense didn't want anyone to hear his argument.
I can’t hear a word of what the defense is saying… Elaine! Your mic!
great job on the audio law and crime…amateurs
she seems nervous
DA Potts " when listening to the evidence in the case & deliberating & coming back w/a Juror!"
Ummm..where do they get this "juror" that you need them to bring back? Is there a room there they just pull a "juror" from or do they just find a person off the street to bring back to court as a juror?? Do they explain they have to get a random newly picked juror to bring into court from deliberation? If not DA's going to catch a kidnapping charge for instructing the jury to bring a juror back!! I have sooo many questions! L💚L!
This Broad is ALL OVER the PLACE!
This defendant looks like an off brand version of a wanna be Jason Statham! The arrogance is real w/this kid! Your mother just happened to be robbed & murdered on the one day that you just happen to be going to prison and they hit her house at the time Mike was suppose to be there but it just happened to be the time they didn't want/ need him to come with, his mother just happened to change her mind via text that he shouldn't come over! Come on bro you are a lawyer which we are certain of because every chance he had he included that tidbit in his answers 🙄
Wth is she talking about?
Please upload the defense closing argument with better sound, I can't understand anything he's saying
Defense have you heard of a mic? With you walking around I can’t hear a word from you… it’s faint
The gingerbread house gum murder case is real ! 🍪 Offences were committed on that poor defenceless gingerbread house !
To whomever broke into Judge Johnson's car. Your a degenerate and your solving nothing by acting so blatantly ignorant. Amen.
I can't understand 90% of the defense attorney's closing arguments. The audio is so bad! 😢
Did I miss the point that it would make no sense for someone to come and harm him when he was expected to start his sentence that day? And how would him running protect his family in this clearly made up story? The supposed killers would then have more reason to harm his other family members. Also, why stop for gas after only 30 mins when her tank was supposedly full, and when not very far from the imaginary killers. Lastly, he can find all kinds of ways to defraud dozens of people, but finds no way to get a critical message about a life threat to his family?? So glad the jury saw through that attempt at a defense. … This dude's utterly disgusting.
I can’t believe it this monster he’s a monster himself. He killed a beautiful mother. She helped him to not to stay in jail, pay his money back to the old people and probably killed them not to pay that probably she had the insurance life insurance money it’s kind of monsters, dead not supposed to be a stay life they have to just get rid of disgust.
I don't believe Shirley wrote that txt telling Mike not to come. I believe Richard did, pretending to be her. I think she was already unconscious or dead.
R.I.P. Shirley.
This guy brought a new meaning to "mom's spaghetti"
I can't believe he killed his Mamma he coulda left in the middle of the night…his brother shoulda been there! Did his brother even testify here or his last case?
OMG, 48:10, we’ll done Counselor Pott, we’ll done… that was pure genius.
I wonder if that narcissist hadn’t given that pathetic story if the outcome would have been different. I am glad he did testify because it showed just how unremorseful he is and how calculating.
OMG…..listening to her describe how the defendant testified yesterday & told that foolish story …..has me laughing so hard. This story is so very sad &heartbreaking so I feel guilty laughing, but this DA is very passionate about this murder 💔
state closing begins 25:03
defense closing at 50:13
state rebuttal 2:07:05
What is the deal with atty's that refuse to use a microphone? I do realize it's only the jury that matters, but still so irritating to hear only half of the trial.
I kept expected more from the prosecution. Their case was honestly confusing. The ex wife was a good witness and obviously the mode of the crime pointed towards him…. But They are lucky he took the stand in his own defense bc that it was convicted him. I couldn’t think of a more obvious BS story than he told. Even the defense didn’t put on a good case. They probably should’ve questioned the investigation a lot harder. Weird to watch this one.
I’m sorry but this prosecutor is terrible. After 16 years and she is this terrible. If this case had any reasonable doubt he would walk free! The state didn’t prove anything.
I have to say, I /am/ curious why the prosecution didnt call their detective.