Washington Cop’s Bodycam Disputes Viral Video of Homeless Man’s Arrest for Alleged Assault

Washington Cop’s Bodycam Disputes Viral Video of Homeless Man’s Arrest for Alleged Assault

The Spokane Police Department released bodycam footage showing an officer arresting a homeless man on May 18 for alleged assault in response to a bystander’s viral video of the incident. Washington authorities said the bystander’s video, which caused outrage on social media, showed a small portion of the actual arrest. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie breaks it down.

Sierra Gillespie: https://twitter.com/sierragillespie

#Bodycam #Spokane #LawAndCrime

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27 thoughts on “Washington Cop’s Bodycam Disputes Viral Video of Homeless Man’s Arrest for Alleged Assault

  1. I used to work in security at WSU Spokane. Mr. Paige had mental health issues. We had to escort him off campus three times in one day. The third time, he got aggressive, and we almost had to fight him. Another security officer arrived with pepper spray, which helped us get him to leave. It was a difficult situation, as Mr. Paige had some behavioral issues, and I didn't even have a baton. It is a dangerous place downtown.

  2. That poor guy needs real help…not jail. But people who truly care and want to help him. I hope hes okay. Lots of people in whatcom county needing serious help. This place has gone downhill so hard the past couple decades. I wouldnt be suprised if its the same for the rest of washinton. Its a hard thing to watch…

  3. People will do anything for a social media post. They don’t care if it’s false or causes real damage. We need to stop people from using social media to gain attention from fake news. It’s ridiculous that society rewards liars.

  4. Body cameras need to be sealed and activated and unable to be shut off or muted for the entire shift of an officers tour . Will stop most of the wrong doing of bad cops while protecting them.🤔😁

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