Lori Vallow is on trial for the murders of her children J.J. and Tylee, along with Chad’s late wife Tammy Daybell.
#LoriVallowDaybell #ChadDaybell #LawAndCrime
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The entire Latter Day Saints (Mormon) church is built on lies. No wonder they're so many denominations off this cult.
Idaho must enforced the Death Penalty on this Evil Creature 👍👍👍👍
As soon as the judge was done speaking she crossed her arms across her chest. She is still not accepting responsibility.
It's time for Justice for those 2 beautiful children . Their 144,000 want be there but 144,000,000,000 will be watching this verdict. They deserve justice now. This is really a Horrific crime of all time.
Lori guilty yet?
are they stuck on the murder charges?? It shouldn't be taking this long
what's going on with captioning?
Prosecution was dead on with charles life insurance. It all stemmed from the million dollar life insurance policy. Linsey blake and rob wood did an excellent job in proving the case. I myself if i were a juror would of checked yes on every question and been done with not one thread of doubt.
I’m at PT watching on my phone. Don’t want to miss the verdict!
Charles Manson's girls stood by him even during their trials. It is entirely possible that Lori thinks Chad still loves her and that hey will walk into the sunset together.
If she's responsible for 3 deaths, does this mean she's a serial killer?
Guilty, Guilty, Guilty! And Alex did NOT die of "natural causes". The medical examiner missed something and went with the obvious (embolism). I also believe Lori was responsible for Joe Ryan's death. If he died of a heart attack, guaranteed, she drove him there! NEVER bought that Lori was a "good mom" before Chad either. There certainly were ghosts in Lori's closet long before Chad.
Just like the Murdaugh case, it was obvious their housekeeper did not "fall down the stairs because of their dogs" and Stephen Smith was also murdered.
Botched investigations and medical exams are a real pity but they certainly occur! Cremation is really the final nail in the coffin.
Hello any one here
Sociopaths don't have love in there hearts, only lust. She was never a good mother she played the part that's what they do. When she knew Charles had the life insurance he had she set out to meet someone within the lDS church she could manipulate along with her brother Alex she put her plan in motion.
This reminds me a lot of the Casey Anthony case. Everyone thought she was getting convicted and she walked.
I truly think she is evil and disgusting human being but legally she didn’t actually do anything.
It will be hard to prove that she actually did anything. I predict she will walk.
Nobody brought up Lori's statement of where jj was when they were both dead and buried. Saying he was "with melony gibb at theater watching "frozen ll" when in fact they were buried in the ground "frozen" x "2". They made a point to Chad's text about burning debris in the back yard. Why did she say taking him to go see "Frozen 2"? That's pure evil.
I bet Chad regrets he didn't have his wife Tammy cremated. The exumation showed bruises on her upper arms and chest as if she was being held down.
You never know with these juries. Once you dive into the evidence. It just takes one wild card hold out to dig his or her heels in. Seriously.