Letecia Stauch is accused of fatally attacking her stepson Gannon Stauch, 11, in his bedroom in January 2020, in El Paso County, Colorado. Authorities claimed to find blood on a mattress, walls and floors, as well as in Stauch’s Volkswagen Tiguan SUV. Read more on this case: https://lawandcrime.com/crime/the-week-ahead-doomsday-cult-killer-an-angry-boyfriend-and-a-stepmom-stabber/
#LeteciaStauch #GannonStauch #LawAndCrime
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Al's impact statement broke me to pieces. This is a truely heartbeoken father.
Well! All the lawyers wiping their eyes……
You know who wasnt smiling during the statements from friends, family and then Mom and Dad? The defense lawyers! Hanging their heads in shame!💙💙💙
I will for Ever, think of Gannon when I see blue hearts….😞
So heartbreaking hearing the family of Gannon. May they find healing somehow, but know those of us who watched this, send love and strength to you all and in the memory of that sweet and innocent beautiful boy, Gannon Stauch 💔🙏🏾🩶
The defense was so affected he took a tissue and Techia had no remorse and nothing Al went to her daughter graduated that what's so sad 😢😢😢 he couldn't go to hes son
Yes Judge!!!!
Landon’s speech was so powerful. I got goosebumps yall
What a narcissistic bi**h! Even when the judge steps out beforehand sentancs her she hasthe audacity to LAUGH w her atty
Al's statement, when he imitated what he believed to be gannon's last words, was so heartbreaking. You could see the prosecutor wiping away tears. His and Landon's impact statements allowed their sorrow to bleed through and it was moving and devastating at the same time.
I love this judge! He is truly genuine and professional!
6:14:30 The poor Judge is trying to keep it together Nothing but RESPECT for you Judge
His Grandmother broke me. I was fine til then 😢 RIP Gannon.
I know the impact statments are more for the family but watching her just not give a crap while they were talking is crazy
Gannon's great uncle made some very good points. I know I am less trusting. I am divorced from my ex husband and I worry about who he lets around our 12 year old son when our son is visiting him.
Aytorney wise knows letecia profiy likely people swnd money
Uncovers riggt eye
I think she killed her ex-husband & Step-Father thats why she though she could get away with this case.
Landen, I doubt you'll ever see this, but you won the day that day. Your words and Al's will live with her forever. I'm glad you told her that she has no power over you anymore. My only regret for you is that you couldn't have had 10 minutes alone with her. Much love❤
Dang it, they cut away too soon. I wanted to see the officers march her out of the courtroom. Let her turn on the charm to them and see what happens.
Thank god Gannon got justice
May you Gannon rest in peace
She just couldnt keep her hands away from her face. Shows how insecure she is.
The judge was sad
I cryed listen to Landon and Al
Justice for Gannon has finally been served 🥹💙 my heart ashes for this family and for this beautiful baby boy who suffered at the hands of this narcissistic monster- May every day in prison be a tough one for you Letecia..no one likes child killers in prison…rest easy in paradise Gannon I’m so sorry this happened xxx
Omg im in bits 😢 as a mother of three boys 12, 14 and 16 this is heartbreaking 💙🙏🏻 Gannon
Honestly, IMO, having the neighborhood drama queens speak & getting their 15 mins of fame was in poor taste.
Thank God for the jury and especially the Judge! Too bad they don't have the death penalty in Colorado 😢
So much love to gannons family rest in peace little buddy
Top notch Judge. RIP Gannon.❤
She’s keeping her last name Stauch just to hurt the family over and over again. If she was smart, she would go back to one of her other last names so the inmates don’t get her. Hope they do though!
The judge is ridiculous. The loved ones giving statements should absolutely be allowed to face the defendant and say whatever they want to them. Again, I’ve never seen a judge run their court so poorly when it comes to the benefit of the family. What’s next? Is he going to let her disrespect the court and family again by laying her head down on the desk pretending to sleep? Which, btw, is another no no in court but this judge doesn’t care that Letecia continues to cause pain.
The entire gallery hugging Al and Landen is something I’ve never seen before in my life, not the entire gallery, that is. I’m so happy they are getting the attention and love and support they need while Letecia aka the girl from “The Ring” sits alone with no one hugging or talking to her.
If I have to hear this judge clear his throat one more time…Use a lozenge for heck sake or at least mute your mic! Dude can’t even speak one sentence without that awful noise! 😡
This monster piece of trash is next level E V I L
This disgusting ogre of a cretin has the nerve to give one of the jurors the finger at 4:49:23. I didn’t catch this before because I’ve never seen anyone behave like this just before a verdict.
6:42:41 The judge let’s it rip here. Good on him!!! The way the judge handled this case is to be commended. I pray for peace for this family.
Pleased with the outcome of the trial. I have NEVER heard since an impactful statement from a judge. WOW
The father did it for me.😭😭😭😭 She is SOOO empty! Too bad they can't fry her, but she still wouldn't feel anything.
Prayers to the family, I know it's been a long journey to get here. I commend them on standing that close to the person that murdered their child so cold-heartedly and not attacking her. I do not know if I would have had that restraint, even if I am a Christian. She absolutely did not look like she cared at all, at one point when the judge stepped away she was smiling, and at another point, I saw her attorney grab a tissue and dab his face, I never once saw her grab a tissue. She is crazy all right but not in that way, she deserved the death penalty, these types of cases are exactly why every state should still have it. Ridiculous…
Hopefully her prison mates will mete out real justice. May she be as helpless as that child was when she murdered him.
I wish Leticia and that lawyer of hers would get a room!
Fantastic job by Judge Werner, the prosecution the jury and even the defense team. They all made it easy to convict lie-Ticia.