VERDICT REACHED – Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial

VERDICT REACHED – Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial

Lori Vallow is on trial for the murders of her children J.J. and Tylee, along with Chad’s late wife Tammy Daybell.

#LoriVallowDaybell #ChadDaybell #LawAndCrime

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32 thoughts on “VERDICT REACHED – Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial

  1. Does anybody know if kay Woodcock paid that psychic the reward? The psychic that solved this case? The one that worked with Kay's daughter and did reading after reading, To obtain the information to find the bodies of the children?
    It is interesting and I think interesting for the half a million people that actually listen to the readings ahead of time the 10 readings that did solve this Case. The 10 readings that actually told where the bodies were. At for mainstream news to be silent on that issue. People are writing letters all the time. Wondering why the truth is not reported?
    Psychic reverend Donna Seraphina Is the name of her channel on the proof is right there? The readings are date stamped, there's no way to fake. It is obvious she provided that information.

  2. Kudos to the grandparents for fighting for JJ and Tylee until the end. I feel very bad for the rest of this large family, even though I believe some other family members should be investigated. I don't believe – I cannot believe – that "money, power and s3x" were the main motivations. You rob a bank, a stranger, for money. You don't kill your children and spouse. Unfortunately, there is a trail of deaths to connect here. Charles Vallow and Tylee's biological father had died prior to the kid's killings. I don't believe that Lori and Alex Cox were any stranger to murdering family members – both to collect insurance money + to get rid of the "negative energy". Because yes, Lori Vallow (née Cox) and a bunch of her family members and friend did believe in zombies. It's a looooong and intricate story, but worth digging. And the Cox family should be investigated as well.

  3. Of course there was no other possible verdict, but I would rather spend my taxes so that this evil woman, who in no way deserves to be called a mother, stops breathing.

  4. I will say this. Mormon what I feel is a cult religion It is my opinion. Interest started with bringing up that way. That religion is a dangerous and basically should not be practiced

  5. I think that maybe she will get her head outta her butt now. She is responsible for those babies deaths. Not to mention her husband and her lovers wife. And I still think they had the brother killed. I know it was dealing with his heart but it was too convenient for me. Hopefully this verdict knocked some sense into her. So sad for the grandparents and families.

  6. The grandparents have been steadfast in this whole process they really I believe kind of kick started it. I hope them all the best and healing. As well as in life. I thought it was so heartfelt when the grandfather started singing that song when he was asked, what would you say to Laurie right now. I’m gonna be honest I shed a little tear and got choked up because this was a lot of death and tragedy and heartbreak for so many lives. Just so destructive and unnecessary gladly there was a guilty verdict. I hope for nothing but good things, and all these treacherous trials for them to have to sit through upcoming.

  7. It's these types of monsters who are the perfect 'targets' for The Saw movies' Jigsaw. Life imprisonment or even the Death Penalty is just too easy an out for them. This b*tch needs to suffer, BAD!!!!

  8. Scariest part of all of this is that Lori and Chad have a religious following. I mean, 2 of them are crazy and dangerous but how many more that follow this bs…that's more dangerous.

  9. According to loris beliefs she sees the court of “men” as not as important as gods judgement is. So she doesn’t give a crap she is in jail. She sees her life as now a some sort of sacrifice bc of the “good” she did!!

  10. The people who died were seen as
    obstacles. Think about it. Obstacles that
    must be disposed of so that the person
    agreeing to the disposals can live an
    unencumbered life.
    Isn't this the same scenario for all who agree
    to abortions?

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